Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

You know that’s a year old right? I was like, “These motherfuckers are doing the skip breakfast op-ed AGAIN?”

No, I didn’t but that won’t stop me from assembling my guillotine.

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That’s hard work if you don’t eat breakfast.

I stopped eating breakfast most days lately and it has been great. Only coffee before 11am is the way to go.




also the question is horribly phrased. People who plan on not getting married or ambivalent, could definitely answer yes to that question as people will grab on the things they feel they know will happen (the first two)

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Also, asking whether it’s “morally wrong to have a baby outside of marriage” is a not at all the same as asking “whether society should promote or value one type of family structure over another”!

Oh wait, it’s in the “IDEAS” section, not the “GOOD IDEAS” section. :harold:

Was there more of a punchline to the article other than “some people don’t do a thing that they say is morally acceptable for people to do if they want?”

Nor is it even the same as, “Would you, all else being equal, choose to be a single parent or part of a legal partnership when having kids?”

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Life is easier with two parents joined with legal benefits, after completing education and getting careers launched. Oh and probably easier to parent with some maturity. No shit.

I don’t get it, are they suggesting people are hypocrites for wanting the “ideal” functional choice while not calling other choices (or circumstance) as immoral?

I mean the immoral votes had to come mostly from the no sex before marriage crowd.

Too lazy- is the study that’s saying this is a discrepancy or someone in the media/social media making that claim!


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Kind of a Mona Lisa smile. I wonder what Lincoln is thinking.


Because he’d be 220 years old and suffering from the most advanced dementia known to man?

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Just went to a talk by this author. Pretty doubtful Lincoln votes for Trump.

While we’re talking about historians opinions on Trump.

Lol, Trump isn’t even going to get the vote of George W Bush this election cycle but someone thinks he could have gotten Lincoln’s?

You know, some people say Trump has been the best president for black people. Even better than Lincoln, they say. So Lincoln would have voted for Trump, naturally.

Note the headline:

Anyways poll shows Biden +4