Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I think Time got bought out by a clickbait company recently. It sucks, Time used to be a semi-legit magazine.

Turns out that whole death of real journalism thing was kinda a big deal.

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That’s good and all but a Qunnipiac Biden +4 is probably like a Trump +16.

Completely enshitified


first reply I see on that post

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 9.14.54 AM

We are so cooked



This is really funny in the context of the history of the Trump family. Literally more mobbed up in real life than the Sopranos. The guy was the biggest homebuilder on the east coast from the start of the syndicates golden age to the end of it.

Then ask yourself what shenanigans must have been involved for that guys kid to get a casino license.

Biden’s great-great-grandfather was literally Moses.


Parting the red sea has to break all kinds of zoning laws.


Oh, I thought you meant his grandfather who was a deserter and a brothel owner.


This guy is a GWU law professor who’s testified in all three modern impeachment trials lol

We need to build a wall around law schools until we figure out what the hell is going on

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Math, how does it work?




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The media keeps asking why I don’t take their shit at face value anymore and trying gaslight me for it. Then they do shit like this constantly.

I’ll give another example: A pretty aggressively funded startup (had big VC’s behind it) called Convoy recently went busto in my industry leaving one of their bigger customers Ikea stuck with a bunch of unpaid trucking companies. The reporting on that situation has basically claimed that Convoy was making 73% profit margins on the freight they never paid the carriers for. What happened in real life is that 73% was the biggest profit margin they found in the entire audit on any load that got run. Convoy went busto because my role is an already heavily automated skill role that isn’t going to be easily cut out and replaced with expert software they were trying to pretend was AI.

Literally took a news story and framed it in a blatantly misleading way to try to push outrage.

I haven’t read all this yet, but here’s Jeremy Scahill and others reporting on the clusterfuck around the Times’s reporting on Hamas’s supposed use of sexual violence that maybe wasn’t actually true

…and the Times union publicly asking their employer why they appear to be targeting Arab journalists in trying to find who talked to Scahill:


good podcast episode looking into this

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Chait uses this opportunity to relitigate old beefs with Michael Hobbes (???) by bringing up instances where Chait was clearly, incredibly wrong

Honestly baffled at why Chait has a job when so much of his work is just complaining that so many people think he’s an idiot; who is the audience for this?

This is all in the context of a former Times opinion editor who I think was primarily responsible for Tom Cotton’s “send in the troops” piece writing a tell-all in The Atlantic doubling as “I was treated unfairly” and “the NYT has gone full woke” arguments, in which he (accidentally?) makes himself and the whole paper look really dumb by revealing that the Times solicited the fucking piece from Cotton and then edited it to soften his language to make it more palatable to the public and (barely) hide what a fucking psycho he is. Tom Scocca has a good recap:

oh my fucking god I thought this was going to be about the fake gaza rape gang story not the fake “someone frowned at me for mentioning chick-fil-a” story hahaha what a fucking beta shitbag