Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



I read this article and didn’t think it was that bad, it opens with her missing a campaign event because she had to go home and see if her ex had actually delivered on the threat he texted to dump all her things into the bottom of a pond. It also makes fairly clear that she’s made herself nearly unelectable in her home district and is probably moving across the state to a more conservative district because it’s her only path to keeping her job.

What public good does it do serve up a piece on her? Beyond “public good”, why would a paying customer of the washington post want to read that?

It draws enough hate clicks to get reposted here…


Here are five things to know about Mr. Robinson.

His political career was fueled by online support.

He made history as the first Black lieutenant governor of North Carolina.

His upbringing was difficult.

His wife had an abortion decades ago, and it has shaped his views on the issue.

He has long held anti-L.G.B.T.Q. views.

Very last two paragraphs:

In February, Mr. Robinson said that transgender women who use women’s restrooms “will be arrested,” echoing the so-called bathroom bill that the state legislators passed in 2016. That measure proved to be unpopular because of its negative economic effects, and Mr. Cooper signed legislation repealing it in 2017.

Mr. Robinson has also been criticized for posting comments that were widely perceived as antisemitic and for quoting Adolf Hitler on Facebook. But he has insisted to reporters that he has never been antisemitic, pointing to a trip he took last fall to Israel and outreach he has made to Jewish organizations as evidence.

yggy derrangement syndrome is real

like, what even is the arugment here? yggy is the reason normies “don’t get it” and would be easy for him to fix this issue if only he weren’t so dumb?

like it IS easy to write a column about it, and … empircally the fact that people HAVE written about it and YET the needle doesn’t move seems like pretty convincing proof that yggy is correct.

If that kind of thing is going to matter Jon Stewart will deliver it and deliver it better than yggy ever could.

neither one of them will reach the people who the peanut gallery think will be instantly converted

It’s a game of turnout. Saying the right thing to motivate a bunch of demoralized would be democratic voters to show up instead of staying home is a real thing.

ah yes the “it’s yggy’s fault” rather than “we should run better candidates” gambit

Except Yggy is a huge Biden fan, though he acknowledges that Bidenism without Biden would be even better.

I mean I’m promoting Jon Stewart here. I don’t think Yggy is going to move the needle either way and should do whatever he thinks is best for his career as a writer. Jon literally kicked off his coverage of this campaign by realistically assessing Biden, which I didn’t think was a bad choice at all.

The Democrats are better than the GOP. Unfortunately that’s all we have there. I am doing zero work for the Democrats this cycle and all of my political donations went to AOC’s super PAC for this cycle to be used however her people think would be most productive.

We have to sell the run of the mill Democratic voter on taking time out of their busy schedule (because the economy sucks and they are running hard) to go vote in November. That’s the task for anyone who wants things to even have a chance of getting even a little back on track.

Nothing I will ever post here lets the Democratic party off the hook for being corrupt, which they absolutely are.

Welker on meet the press is a disgrace, she got schiff on today and asked about the primary, 100% just tossed a softball about the word “rigged” and completely ignored the substance of porter’s point

This is a good media choice, multiple videos in this thread


Yeah he is trying to shame you. Yeah.

Jesus I watched the clip and she’s even worse than I imagined.

She is an absolute disgrace. Every bit as much of a garbage human as Trump.

She’s not your rep, is she?

Good point here about how the NYT’s “college kids are going TOO FAR” panics are always, always about Oberlin as if nothing is happening on the other side

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