Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Yeah i always thought something like COVID is exactly what would be the impetus towards national healthcare kinda like WW2 for Europe but seems like it was exact opposite and people would be even more hostile to it now

The internet is just too lucrative for bad faith actors targeting morons.

The other issue is a lot of people just read headlines, especially with online news. So if the headline is a little misleading to be clickbaity, that can cause societal harm. “Why won’t anyone listen to the anti-vaxxers???” implies that they a good making good points.

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I think all of our minds are just super conditioned by the nut job anti-vaxxers they intentionally chose people who said nothing bad about vaccines and almost certainly were lining up to get it voluntarily. It’s a story of how do we identify and help the people who do get the one in a million bad outcome of any vaccine?

It’s an important societal question, I had always known there was a nationalized compensation program for vaccine bad outcomes, but was surprised to learn Covid vaccine is covered by something else


The federal government has long run theNational Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, designed to compensate people who suffer injuries after vaccination. Established more than three decades ago, the program sets no limit on the amounts awarded to people found to have been harmed.

But Covid vaccines are not covered by that fund because Congress has not made them subject to the excise tax that pays for it. Some lawmakers have introducedbills to make the change.

Instead, claims regarding Covid vaccines go to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. Intended for public health emergencies, this program has narrow criteria to pay out and sets a limit of $50,000, with stringent standards of proof.

It requires applicants to prove within a year of the injury that it was “the direct result” of getting the Covid vaccine, based on “compelling, reliable, valid, medical, and scientific evidence.”

The program had only four staff members at the beginning of the pandemic, and now has 35 people evaluating claims. Still, it has reviewed only a fraction of the 13,000 claims filed, and has paid out only a dozen.

Dr. Ilka Warshawsky, a 58-year-old pathologist, said she lost all hearing in her right ear after a Covid booster shot. But hearing loss is not a recognized side effect of Covid vaccination.

The compensation program for Covid vaccines sets a high bar for proof, she said, yet offers little information on how to meet it: “These adverse events can be debilitating and life-altering, and so it’s very upsetting that they’re not acknowledged or addressed.”

To add if someone more motivated than me looks up some these folks and sees they bona fide antivaxx activists or something I will definitely eat crow

This is the crux of most of this. We forget that a lot of infectious disease symptoms are the result of the body’s defenses. Not to odd to think that an immune response to the antigen gives some of the disease damage itself. (No idea mechanically if this is the case with myocarditis, but certainly seems to be the case for clotting issues).

So you can have

A) protection from COVID and an x chance at some side-effect

B) COVID and a “Y”x chance at those symptoms

“Y”x being some significant multiplier of risk and/or severity from the vaccine reaction.

It’s understandable people blame the vax but that don’t make it true, especially getting COVID makes it worse.

lol Peggy yard sign Noonan and lol Peter Baker who is a prototype insufferable NYT douche


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the replies are sending me

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The measles ship has sailed. We’re drawing live to polio making a comeback.

Didn’t read lol

responding to

Peter Baker’s son Theo (nepo baby who is a sophomore in college and already been published in NYT & Atlantic because of his last name) doesn’t fall far from the tree:




(Theo deleted all his tweets on the subject)

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hahah yeah famously twitter’s downfall was from … (squints at notes) banning nazis

A good rebuttal from former NYT public editor (remember when they had a “public editor”?) Margaret Sullivan to the embarrassing Joe Kahn-Ben Smith interview

She also links to this with other coverage

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That response is so obvious to anyone acting in good faith that I can only conclude the current leadership at the NYT is not.

The leadership of the New York Times’ only obligation is to increase shareholder value, and recognize that outrage = engagement = clicks, everything else is performative window dressing.

If you asked any journalism school student what their obligations were, you’d get a different answer. Proper journalism and capitalism don’t mix well, it needs to be more of a public service. Problem is, it can’t rely on government funding to be properly independent.

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Chapó gonna chapo
