Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

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If there’s one thing scared at risk teenagers do at a clinic like that, it’s lean completely into 20 year old internet memes with perfect context while their life is falling apart.



Lol didn’t read

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There’s a whole lot of fluff before you get to the good stuff (this guys needs an editor) but it does get good.

When I started to read the highlight I thought “his sputtering boils” was a noun.


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Amazing. Just straight-up attempting to murder Al Roker.

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“How often do you get ‘smoking gun’ emails that show, first, that persons responsible for the editorial content knew that the accusation was false, and also convincing emails that show the reason Fox reported this was for its own mercenary interests?” says Rutgers University law professor Ronald Chen, an authority on Constitutional and media law.


“To simply say Fox is a bunch of liars - that they shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this and their wild speculations should not be reported and should not be protected - I just think that that is a slippery slope,” says Kirtley, a former executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Both sides!

No other news outlet is going to get caught going this kind of thing because no other outlet is this stupid. Fox News explicitly said all the things you’re not supposed to say in emails like absolute dumbasses.


Unless they are referring to the other conservative media providers…


Absolutely wild gaslighting from the ownership class on this one.

Not sure if it’s going to show a preview for this terrible paywalled opinion piece so here’s the headline and the tagline:

Less Work Is Making People More Unhappy

A four-day week is the ultimate worker fantasy, yet we’re already working less than previous generations and feeling more burned out.

The whole Fox News thing is like

fw: fw: fw: re: crimes we are definitely doing

we are knowingly committing fraud, right?

-Sean Hannity

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But imagine what could happen if fox news is held accountable for their fraud?

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A senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute

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Yeah she sold her credibility to be a mouthpiece for the bosses ldo. Still this article is a particularly shameless specimen.

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Chait: still at it!

One of my good friends from college is a smart guy in general but he just 100% completely trusts the power structure. He’s a huge believer in institutionalism and bureaucracy, and we’ve had a few exchanges where I mention something I’m fearing with regard to Trumpism and the lunacy of the GOP. His reply is, “Don’t worry, the corporations will save us!” Then we both laugh. Me because it’s hilarious that a smart person can still believe that in 2023, and him because it’s hilarious that a smart person doesn’t trust the Fortune 500 to keep us away from fascism.

Anyway, point is, he’s the type who would read that article and not even think for a second that it might be corporate propaganda, then look to increase his work hours if they weren’t already at 50+ per week. (They are, though.)

I mean we definitely aren’t working less than previous generations. The second she says that you know it’s just gaslighting.

Previous generations could support a family on one 40-50 hour a week job. Today both parents are working pretty much always, and if one is a high earner that can support a stay at home spouse they are almost always working >40 hours a week usually much more.

We have some of the worst work life balance in the western world and they will confidently tell workers that they’re lazy for not working harder.

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Yup, I’ve been telling people for years that the core of my political views is the belief that one full time worker should be able to support a family. We’ve become more productive and we get about half as much buying power as we used to.

talk about publishing an awful opinion


That just seems like free ad copy for KFC.