Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

RW milk is one of those things that can done on the small scale with care and is probably ok. But if industrialized or if small outfits do it haphazardly will lead to disease.

It’s a roll of the dice.

I don’t think the major risk is death from raw milk either, it’s just lots of diseases. Lots more diseases than people get from, say, oysters…

The raw milk craze has to be one of the dumbest things in recent memory.

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is there even a shred of evidence that there are even any benefits to raw milk (let’s not do any sort of cost/benefit analysis at all, just give me the upsides)? like I know people say there are tons, but is there any actual data? my guess is that if there are any they’re extremely miniscule

You think the raw milk fans are the sort to actually collect, let alone believe in, data?

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Raw milk is just catnip for terminal libertarian/contrarian thinkers.

Allegedly it tastes better? I think that’s literally the only reason.

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Mexico. They’re not sending their best.

She was sending “demure nodes” but the affair was only emotional not physical.

I wonder how Mrs Kennedy feels about that definition.

these media types are real shitheads

Haskell, in his note to staff, added that an internal review of Nuzzi’s work since December 2023 found “no inaccuracies or evidence of bias that require corrections” while an independent, third-party review is underway of her work for the magazine this year.

you have to have fucking CTE to believe that. there’s tons of tweets where she’s talking up RFK and wagging her finger at people who are ignoring/dismissing him. THis is the same level as the “well trump didn’t say the N word out loud on tape, so how can he be racist???” bit.

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Man I couldn’t believe my normie friends had no clue about the whale juice story, and they literally thought I was making it up until someone googled it.

Everyone knows you talk about nudes without sharing them is wrong (kind of like if you bring a snack to class you have to bring enough for everyone).

On a more serious point, I don’t think Monica was publishing positive info about Bill while “entangled”. The power dynamic between President/Intern is a little more than that of bogus candidate/reporter.

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Yeah I’m not at all interested in anyone trying to put through any pro Olivia spin in this situation. She’s not Monica Lewinsky in any way whatsoever. She’s a 31 year old major journalist who was sexting with a source/subject and provided him with extremely favorable slanted coverage.

I’m sorry but let’s imagine what happens to the career of a 31 year old male reporter who does the same thing with say Tulsi Gabbard because she’s almost exactly the same tier and type of politician as RFK. Their career is pretty over as well right? Does anyone ever take them seriously again after they gave favorable coverage to a crackpot they were having an affair with?

I think Olivia will recover her credibility to a similar degree that a man would. I think any attempt to make this about gender is blurring the lines in bad ways that make it harder for actual victims of the patriarchal system we’re living under.

hahaha poor naive “bobby” was just taken advantage of by this reporter, sure sure guys makes sense

Yeah it’s pretty clear from her coverage of RFK who had the upper hand in that relationship, and that doesn’t make her seem better at all. Of course RFK is claiming he was taken advantage of he’s trying to not get divorced probably.

Nuzzi was pretty obviously a piece of shit like 5 years ago, she clearly was obsessed with access while cosplaying some kind of intellectual. Anyone whose radar wasn’t already up is an idiot.


Olivia’s career is not over, she’ll be on Fox News within 6 months.

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Right so her career in journalism will be over.

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