Wookie's Walrus Wreveal

Slow Pony Express denizens of any and all genders, it’s time for the reveal.

Our participants:


And feel free to tag anyone I missed. Thanks to kerowo for handling the compilation and randomization.

I’ll open with the first member of our first nodium shortly.


I reiterate, thanks to @kerowo for handling the compilation and randomization. I guess I can only tag 10 people in one post, so he gets a post for his own tag.

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Also, I fully expect a 75% nodium rate here

Alright, people. You know what day it is.

This song would have landed you at the bottom.

Our stated theme:

A song that mentions Friday, or at least a day that fell on a Friday.

And a song that I would have strongly considered submitting for this theme, and that would have gotten you on the podium:

There were no real duds this round, but someone’s got to be at the bottom every time. Our first song met the theme, and the guy can sing, but that’s where my praise is going to end. Overall it’s a sad, mopey, lonely song, and that’s not how I want to feel on a Friday or the mood I associate with Friday. There’s a time and a place and a theme for that, but it doesn’t really fit for me here. So, I give you:

Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit - “Traveling Alone”


On one more listen, I finally put my finger on why this song sounds kinda generic to me. It’s a Pachelbel song. Not the the verses, just the hook, but it’s a Pachelbel song nonetheless.

That’s not strictly a bad thing, but it’s sort of the “paint by number” of music. You got the chords all laid out for you, add some lyrics, and blam, you got yourself a hit. Here’s another song making fun of this:


Anyway, next up is another song finding itself on the nodium for being a big time downer. Songs of struggles certainly have their place, but I’m not feeling it in this category. I also found the verses pretty grating to listen to. We have:

21 Pilots - Migraine

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was tempted to pick rebecca black friday but resisted the urge

a total banger.

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I’m in trouble



Rounding out our nodium is a song I wanted to rank higher. I liked the sound of it and how it switches back and forth between electronic and rock themes. I like the lyrics, and I like the novelty (I’m not familiar with the artist, and the sound is distinct). But it finds itself here because of its fit with the theme. Friday is mentioned in the title but nowhere else, and the lyrics seem to have nothing to do with Friday or anything to do with Friday or themes that we associate with Friday. It seems like a much better fit for the modera temperance category. I haven’t listened to that category yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I find myself wishing I could have put it on the podium there. That song is:

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Im frankly shocked I didn’t nodium here. LFG

Wow, I did not like this

I’ve been a twenty one pilots hater for multiple decades now

The beginning was like “What if we take early Eminem, and make it really really grating to listen to”

In between our nodium and our podium, we have everyone else. That may sound like a tautology, but I mean literally everyone else who’s between the podium and the nodium is in this one post. I wouldn’t mind a Walrus historian confirming, but it seems pretty likely that 40% of the field submitting the same song is a Walrus record. I sorta get it. It’s a wonderful song. It’s a perfect Friday song. It’s got that hopeful optimism and feeling breaking free and disregarding all cares because of what day it is now. But I can’t really put you on the podium when 40% of the field submits the same thing (and I’m sure the other entrants at least had this song cross their mind). If you haven’t figured it out by now, our middle song is:

every song of theirs is like that lol

I think their big hit was “stressed out” twenty one pilots: Stressed Out [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube

I guess not terrible because so many loved it, but there was a year or two you could turn on any radio station at random and hear this. the rapping part is terrible, white people shouldn’t rap unless your name is eminem.

Lol, the fuck? I got podium with one post, lets goooooooooooooooooo


Yeah, I had exactly the same thought.

I liked this one better than Migraine, and yeah, this was the megahit I knew 21 Pilots for. Not my favorite, but at least listenable (when it’s not the 200th time).

this song was why i asked about identical submissions lol, it was too good not to pick.

should have chosen that one avicii song, rip

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This must be the danger of choosing fairly narrow categories. I didn’t think yours were overly narrow, but certainly more narrow than “A song from the 80s”

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