Wookie's Walrus Wreveal

Our runner up nails both the stated theme and the unstated subtext. The lyrics and chorus really carry the song here. The melody and instrumentals, especially in the verses, are a little too plain to put it on top. In 2nd place:

Sam Fender - Friday Fighting

And now for our champion. I hadn’t listed ska as a favorite genre, but I’m at least an infrequent enjoyer of the likes of Save Ferris and Reel Big Fish. This one kinda fakes you out, opening with more of a punk feel until the almost comically contrasting and delightful trumpet comes in. The lyrics are right on theme and punch you right in the nostalgia. It also helps that I have a kindergartner whose enthusiasm for school correlates with the lunch menu (although hers isn’t quite as structured as the one in the song). This song by far brought the biggest smile to my face.

The Aquabats - Pizza Day


oh im doomed

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me, too.

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:catjam: :pitbull1: :vince:

Nothing compares to the swongs of Walrus. I’m sure this means all my picks I thought were good are gonna be relegated to the nodium trash heap, but I will take my one victory :vince3:

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I don’t think you have too much to sweat? At least in our next category, there’s not more than one or two songs submitted that would be heard on the same radio station as any from the first, so it doesn’t seem like you hitched your wagons to a single genre or something. Shun certainty. Embrace variance.

Aquanauts = GOAT. Pool Party is an all timer.

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I’d look it up, but the number of songs I have yet to go through IS TOO DAMN HIGH


That’s mine. Picked it mostly because I thought the lyrics fit the overall theme of this particular Walrus really well. Very happy to finish 2nd and there aren’t enough LOLs for submitting Friday I’m in love. This is Walrus, not Sheep. Come on, guys.

Gonna listen to the rest now.


I considered submitting this :leolol:

Instead I was one of the obvious cure submissions.

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Twenty One Pilots are okay. That’s just not one of their better songs.

I went with the strategy of thinking, this is so obvious, no way anyone else would dare submit it :harold:

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Even if there’s

you are still stuck with


I am also on team obvious. But like Skynet, I am learning and adapting . . .

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Well, if the first round was Sheep, this second round might just be Peehs based on what I’m sorting my through. There is way more diversity here than I expected. I have no idea how to rank some of these.

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@MrWookie how many other duplicate entries did you receive across the other categories?

impeach the wookie!

actually relieved no one else chose mine on this one.

Three more pairs.

I was intimidated by the categories, that’s not really how I think of music so answering those questions seemed like more work than I wanted to do this week.

We should be good as far as claims, no one put in a half answer as a place holder or anything.