ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

So basically it was a liberal conspiracy to get the conservatives to not vote early or by mail, the DEEP STATE played Donald Trump’s supporters, and then Al Gore used his weather machine to dump a foot of snow on Election Day to STOP THE COUNT AND STEAL THE ELECTION!


Yeah, I could see he was going to win before I went to bed. 20 point swing towards the dem versus 2022 in Queens, 16 point swing towards the dem over all versus 2022.

Final result is going to be D+8 or thereabouts. I think it was a combination of:

  1. The polls were a bit off and;
  2. The weather. The fact that republicans only vote on e-day now is terrible for them. Like just the stupidest fucking thing imaginable for trump to have done with the party. 8 inches of snow absolutely shuts everything down on Long Island.

Yeah, this is just all good news for democrats. Suozzi not only crushed Queens, he also appears to have won Nassau County (the western, suburban county on Long Island), which would have been a given just 6 years ago but Republicans were really making inroads onto Long Island.

It was all the illegal voters, you can thank DeSantis and Abbott for sending them all to NY.

-Trump, sometime today probably

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this would have been better than the low-energy statement he actually put out (“she lost because she didn’t endorse me”)

the opponent
3. is black
4 is female
5. is a foreigner
6. didn’t hug Trump

Let’s revisit that


We are sleepwalking into a Trump Landslide: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/02/us/politics/biden-trump-times-siena-poll.html

This has to be the best line in the article, and there are a lot of doozies:

I can’t even blame democrats or Biden at this point. The fault lies with the American People. We deserve exactly what we are about to get.

No, it’s still their fault. They talked tough about what a threat to democracy he was, then their actions told everyone he invited a tour of the Capitol that was mostly peaceful. They have treated a bunch of gravely serious crimes like their teenaged son is driving 64 in a 55. Why should the American people assume it’s actually serious, when the party that was given power in part to stop him is acting like it’s no big deal.

Democrats don’t want to actually help the middle class, so they barely do anything for them other than what is absolutely needed to keep the economy functioning. Then they tell us this is so important, we better come out and vote. A vote for them is a vote for holding Trump accountable and protecting democracy. Then they drag their feet and offer us the same thing again.

So no, its not the American people’s fault. The party that is supposed to help make normal people’s lives better is 10 years into running campaigns on Orange Man BAD, while doing little to nothing for the average person, and while slow walking the process of holding Trump accountable. This is on them.

But don’t worry, they don’t mind. They’ll just be relieved they don’t have to help the (yuck) poors.


For democrats congress is just one big boomer social club. The only ones that remotely get it are under 50 and by definition have no power because of lol seniority. So we get Dick fucking Durbin in charge of the judiciary committee while the insurrectionist spouse rules on the insurrection.

This remains completely untrue, and this is part of the relentless negativity about Biden despite his very real accomplishments and actions is a big part of these polling numbers.

The economy is humming while the rest of the world struggles. Student loan reform saves people a shit ton of money. The inflation reduction act has done things from action on climate change to strengthening the IRS. The fact you, and large parts of the country, only feed on the negative media is a huge problem

I’m feeding on real life. The economy is for sure humming, for rich people. The problem is, it’s one person one vote not one dollar of income one vote.

I’m sure things are great for you, and that’s awesome. But kindly stop telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about when I’m living it. You’ve got a top 5% income, and you’re telling me how great it is for average folks. Problem is, I have definitive proof that is not the case: my bank accounts and my decreasing consumption.

Like, we as a household are not spending on entertainment almost ever, we order in maybe twice a year now, we shop at the cheapest stores for groceries, and our net worth is going down not up.

Try to imagine for a second how it feels to experience that, and then have someone making top 5% money tell you how great everyone is doing and the only problem is your incessant complaining that’s going to stop Biden from getting a second term and continuing his amazing economic agenda.

And the evidence I’m not alone is the burgeoning WAAF-style section of TikTok with gallows humor, righteous outrage, etc. Or the Kellogg’s CEO basically saying, “Let them eat cereal.”

The stats do not back you up on this, and it’s a tired trope

It’s reality, it’s why Biden is polling like shit with young people, and you’re blessed to be rich and not have to deal with this reality.

The stats are averages. If one person makes 1M and nine people make $0, they average $100K. Awesome economy! The main issue is those nine people need to shut the fuck up, right?

I agree that Biden has gotten a surprising amount done but democrats aren’t RUNNING on those accomplishments. basically nobody knows about them.

there’s a lot of data that shows that people on the lower end of the income scale have had bigger improvements than people in the middle.

Yeah, and I’m telling you guys, the inflation hit people in the bottom half WAY harder than everyone else. Inflation on rent and food was way worse than overall inflation. And in particular people in the middle got smoked by inflation and their increase in wages didn’t offset it.

Like, the CEO of Kellogs isn’t on TV telling people, “It’s ok you’re broke, eat cereal for dinner,” for no reason. This is a real thing that happened, for real reasons.

They are running on it. It’s just not covered by the media or covered as some sort of horse race among equals.

Biden -4 nationally from an A+ pollster is five alarm fire time.