ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

Needle says Haley might win VT, hopefully Trump has a tantrum

Yeah there are a few things about this latest round of polls that don’t square with what ended up mattering in real world elections not very long ago. Given the incentives of the people involved (a tight horse race narrative nets them literally billions of dollars) I’m pretty skeptical of these people.

We’ll see how the rest of the race goes. If the Democrats somehow manage to lose to Trump here we all deserve whatever comes next. I’ll probably emigrate.

Just came her to post this lol.

I did my part.


Trump looks even oranger than usual.


Biden social media folks gotta troll Trump constantly about this

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CNN Exit Poll in California

Biden Approval
Somewhat or Strongly Approve 50%
Somewhat or Strongly Disapprove 49%


Big night for the establishment tonight, looks like Katie Porter’s career is over. Schiff spent $10M promoting the Republican to push him into see second ahead of Porter and it worked.


Trump should send her a “At least you won a state” cake.

Looks like the Dems should manage to hold onto the governor’s mansion in North Carolina. The clown the GOP nominated called Beyonce satanic. That’s game, set, match.

Well its not pot, porn, planned parenthood, and pagans now is it?

19% uncommitted!

(Phillips is high here because MN is his home state, impressive that he still gets more than doubled up by “uncommitted”)

CNN now saying that nikki is “exiting” the race and will give “remarks” at 10 eastern

Yeah, she’s not endorsing according to news.

Looks like NYT/Siena nailed the Super Tuesday vote…


Let’s see what they’ve been polling on the general…

2/25 - 2/28
Trump 48
Biden 44

Not fucking great. That means a pollster who just nailed Super Tuesday probably has something like…

And that’s in the heads up match, it gets worse with the other candidates added!

My best guess is that map with a red NM is where we land in November, but I could see Colorado flipping too tbh.

That’s the worst case scenario, and it’s in play. I think there’s a pretty good chance the race tightens, and ends up like this…

Basically the whole thing comes down to Michigan.

There’s also a chance it gets a little funky and NC goes total toss-up along with Michigan, given the lunatic gubernatorial candidate. I think some voters who might sit out because they know NC isn’t going to be the tipping point state might show up to vote against the Hitler wasn’t so bad and Beyonce is Satanic guy, and that could turn North Carolina into a tipping point state.

Gun to my head, Biden is sandbagging a bit on the old stuff and his team runs a competent campaign, all the leans could go blue, although Georgia feels tougher than NC this cycle.