ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

In 2020 Booker won NJ by 17 points and in 2018 Menendez won by 16 points? Are we really worried that indicted menendez pulls 16 points (all from the democrat) to throw it to a republican?

He probably just looking for another bribe lol

It’s been a 10-12 point race a few times in non-presidential election years. It’s probably going to be safe, but I’d worry if the GOP manages to nominate someone not crazy. I could see Menendez getting 10%+.

I assume it’s just so he can fund raise so donors can pay his legal bills. Not ideal for D chances of holding the seat but probably not fatal either.

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Nobody’s falling for that shit in New Jersey, arguably the most educated state in the nation.

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0% concerned about Bob running as an independent. He won’t win. He won’t siphon off many D votes. I’m guessing at the end of the day he doesn’t even try.

He’s going to pull like 3 percent.

That’s a good point. If he’s just doing it to “fundraise” then he may not campaign at all.

The former elections director for a rural Arizona county who resigned last year because of a flap over the hand-counting of ballots has been elevated to a top electoral post for the state.

In an age where news—and especially elections news—is almost uniformly bad, I initially thought this was terrible and inexplicable given that the current Sec. of State is a democrat.

However, it actually seems like a win for election integrity. This woman stood up to the RWNJs and refused to participate in a bogus and illegal hand-counting scheme.



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I am here for any red state passing a constitutional amendment protecting abortion by ballot box.

Bonus points if it swings senate/house seats as a by-product.

Of course we will then watch the legislature try an end around (see Ohio, assholes)

lol Ohio GOP just nominated a guy who got caught trolling for gay sex online (heavily anti-gay obviously) probably still hopeless though

Is he going up against Sherrod Brown? Does Brown have a chance?

If anyone is curious, the Moreno ads are all 100% focused on a giant wall with razor wire and standing with Donald Trump to defend our border as if it’s a fucking border state.

Anti-immigrant is political dynamite right now, I’ve never seen this country so bent out of shape over immigration. If the Dems can’t force the national conversation on something else like abortion, they’re toast.

Sherod is endorsing Moreno’s opponent, which is basically the kiss of death for that guy.

This is dumb but it might matter lol





Abortion proves winning strategy for Alabama Democrat

Marilyn Lands won a state House special election in a rare battleground race

Yeah and it wasn’t close


It will never happen, but Trump somehow losing Alabama of all places would be the most hilarious election result of my lifetime.