ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

Yeah that’s an oversight on AZ, that should be light red. NE-02 I didn’t really think about, just assumed it was safe.

If a pollster called me, there’s a pretty good chance I’d say neither to Biden/Trump, but I’m going to vote for the old asshole with the memory problem, so I agree on this one.

Warnock won a special election there in '21 and the general election in '22, and Ossoff won the general/runoff in '20/'21.

So we’re not drawing dead, but I expect the voter suppression to be cranked up to a zillion this cycle and I don’t think we’ll overcome it.

There was a very small gap between that debate and when he had his covid diagnosis so it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause, but yeah, my recollection is that the polls shifted bigly in Biden’s direction right after that debate before settling back down a month or so later.


But also this…

So the format I’d like to see is that each candidate gets like 60 seconds uninterrupted, during which the other mic is cut off. Then after that, a back and forth, and they’re allowed to ask each other questions.

If Trump starts rambling incoherently, Biden can sit back and let him, then make fun of him at some point. But Biden gets to make his initial points uninterrupted, and then he can strategically keep talking and let Trump look like an asshole cutting him off.


Here’s the Biden polls from after the debate:

And here’s the Biden polls from the week before the debate:

I’ve excluded the polls that crossed over between both periods, but they also show an increase likely from the part of the poll taken after the debate.


OK, well, looks like it definitely moved. Thanks for the poll info.

It got slightly redder since 2020 because of redistricting.

2020 debates for sure hurt Trump. He did well in 2016 when he could just bully Hillary but by 2020 he didn’t seem to have his edge, he ranted wildly and they had to cut off his mike, just looked awful. Plus, they played up expectations by spending all month telling us about how Sleepy Joe was going to bomb the debates.

Yeah, this was key, and they’re making the same mistake again. Remember Joe Hiden’?

The best part was after the debate they invented a new conspiracy involving drugs to explain how well Joe Biden did. Amazing self-own.

Hahahah yes.sickos.jpg.yes!



You know what? I’m fine with it. I hope he wins if it’s a safe red seat.

Fine with it? It’s fucking spectacular. It is a safe red seat, and just him running is enough to once again draw attention to how fucking crazy and corrupt republicans are. And if he somehow managed to win the primary? The seat would be in play because even though it’s a safe red seat, it’s a safe red seat in NY.

So we’re basically into the general campaign now, should we do a separate Biden/Trump thread and then a catch-all for everything else? Or keep it all in one?

would think trump/biden stuff should be separate


The trump bot needs his own thread separate from the Biden stuff.

No Labels WILL be running a third party candidate, but it’s going to be a low profile candidate: Geoff Duncan, the former Republican LtGov of Georgia. Joe Lieberman told a host on Sirius, apparently.

This barely made news (Is it i this thread somewhere?) but Sinema isn’t running:


Different thread:

Menendez is possibly going to try to play spoiler in NJ. GJGE backing this dipshit until the last possible second eDems, you fucking corrupt clowns.

I mean, I’d be a little worried if this was like Virginia or the Midwest, but NJ? I’m not that worried.