ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

In such a world, with both houses (they’d hVe to be for Bama to go Blue), my expectations would be very high. SCOTUS expanded.

Yes but those surveys that say that abortion is like the millionth most important issue with voters were super super credible. I’m sure that had nothing to do with the likely massive sampling bias towards old people… which is the only fucking way you could ever poll Americans in 2024 and reach the conclusion that they care more about almost nonexistant immigration problems more than they care about one of the parties deciding to make the party slogan ‘may the lord open’.

Since 2016 the GOP has aggressively gone after public schools and reproductive rights. They’ve also lowered taxes for rich people, badly bungled a pandemic response, tried to overthrow the government, and lost 3 out of those 4 elections pretty badly. There are 5741 fewer boomers every day in the US. That’s roughly one every fifteen seconds.

But what comes next is a really good question.

Man is that one every 15 seconds stat like 1,000x more satisfying than I wish it was to me.


I’ve been talking about how bad the 2024 senate map is for years now, but let’s not get ridiculous.

Maryland is not more likely to flip than Texas or Florida. Good lord.


Hogan won statewide twice, by 12 points the second time - and in a very bad year for Republicans. Maryland is unlikely to flip, but you could make a decent case it’s more likely than Texas.

governors races are a completely different animal than senate and presidental elections, I wouldn’t draw any comparisons at all. E.g. Mittens in MA, Beshar in KY, Edwards in FREAKING LOUISIANA, etc.

They’re a completely different animal, but we’re talking about whether it’s more likely than turning Texas blue, not whether it’s likely. Hogan is a two-term governor, he’s won statewide by 12 before, and he’s got polls with a double digit lead.

Beto lost by 2.5% in a midterm year that heavily favored Dems, is Allred a better candidate than Beto?

Unless you think Biden is taking Texas, the only way either of these flip is with a lot of ballot splitting. I don’t see a lot of Texas voters voting Trump and Allred, but it’s fairly easy to see Maryland suburbanites voting Biden and Hogan.

I’ll put it this way: Hogan will outperform Trump, Allred won’t outperform Biden. I doubt either flips, but Hogan has a better shot than Allred unless you think Texas is likely to go blue.

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The Maryland state house is ruled by one party and the results are predictably bad. There’s no accountability to voters, and the tax rate is very high with no visible return to the middle class. Hogan was an easy check to put in place. I don’t know about Texas but there’s zero chance Maryland elects a Republican Senator.

Why do you say “predictably”? California is the same way with a D governor and I think it’s fairly well governed as far as states go.

This page has a list of states with supermajority trifectas for reference. The blue states are CA, HI, IL, MD, DE, NY, MA, and RI. IL and NY don’t exactly scream “responsible governance” but on the whole this doesn’t seem like a list of states where Dems lose their minds with bureaucracy and waste or whatever the stereotype is.

WaPo gift link: Montana GOP Senate candidate says he lied to ranger about gunshot wound in 2015

This is kinda small but seems like a smoke-fire kind of thing. If a guy would make up this weird-ass lie for no reason (lol yeah the park ranger is gonna start a military investigation of you, ok), do we think this is the only thing he’s lying about?

Sheehy’s latest account of his arm wound is one of several differing descriptions he has given of being shot while deployed. In his 2023 memoir “Mudslingers,” he wrote in one passage that he received multiple bullet wounds in Afghanistan. In another, he wrote that his body was hit by a bullet just once. In the book, he also offers varying accounts of how he was shot.


Gotta think a doctor could immediately tell if a bullet wound was fresh or years old. This guy accidentally shot himself and found a way to both cover up his negligence and rewrite his likely uneventful service into a hero story. Also if the bullet was still in his arm you can just look at it to tell if it came from a .45 pistol or a US military weapon or an Afghan weapon.

Lying liars lie.


I’d guess he accidentally shot himself or it was a suicide attempt that narrowly missed

This was my immediate thought.

Pushing another round of student loan forgiveness and forcing the GOP to either block it or let it through is a very strong political move by Biden here. It’s the kind of thing you would expect someone competent to do, which is frustratingly rare with eDems running political campaigns.

I am honestly very angry with how they handle the entire internet as a platform. Instead of using it as a way to reach voters to motivate them to vote the way they want they seem to see it as nothing but a cash machine to be used to pay extremely expensive consultants.

And they wonder why this time I just wrote a large for me check to AOC’s pac and checked out on doing any other political stuff this cycle. I am not giving those guys a cent of my money to waste. AOC at least knows how to stretch a political buck.

Sending money to eDems feels exactly like donating money to fund the operations of the good place in the show the good place. I just can’t.

If you’re taking money from corporations and billionaires you don’t need my money lol.

Bob Casey (incumbent PA senator) is running ads talking about Greedflation.

Angela Alsobrooks defeated David Trone in the Democratic primary to become the next Senator from Maryland. This is good. Trone is a rich business owner who spent an absurd amount of his own money to become a US House Rep and wanted to do the same for the Senate. After Larry Hogan entered the race on the Republican side Trone’s campaign essentially told voters they needed to elect the old, rich, white guy so Hogan wouldn’t win. Hogan isn’t winning either way though and the voters picked the better candidate.


Here’s hoping.

Ooh, this is a good one: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/18/politics/virginia-primary/index.html

Dude’s a hero, I hope he wins.

Cliffs: Eugene Vindman, one of the whistleblowers about the Trump call who was targeted by Trump pretty badly won a dem primary for congress for Spanberger’s seat.


Meanwhile, here’s who Virginia Republicans nominated to try to unseat Tim Kaine: