ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

I could even see the SC rule against orange a lot, they can’t/won’t bank on maga forever, so to appease/reassure the corporate types and to lay guardrails for whoever comes after orange, I could see some rebukes of his crazier plans on the horizon.

Oh sweet summer child. Just came across this article about Trump’s #1 priority in a 2nd term being coming after a list of RINOs he has already prepared with the full force of the FBI and DOJ.


But surely such openly political persecutions are illegal in USA #1?

You don’t need a statutory change at all, you need a mind-set change,” Vought said in an interview. “You need an attorney general and a White House Counsel’s Office that don’t view themselves as trying to protect the department from the president.”

And he is 100% right.

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Rinos enabled orange, not a single tear shed if they get got by orange. And I’m not convinced they will get got, a prosecutor is just a prosecutor, they need to have the judge and the jury. Like life ain’t gonna be fun for some incredibly rich Republican assholes on the enemies list who were insufficiently loyal, but thems the breaks.

And that doesn’t apply to the overwhelming majority of Republican corporate normies, whose most pressing problem might be which country to send their daughters to vacation to to get an abortion.

I’m not conceding the election although I have a grimmer view than most now (except jman), but you’re telling me orange persecuting/prosecuting Bill Barr won’t be popcorn.gif?

Maybe Biden can go Uncle Junior when AG Hannity indicts him.


Biden should drop out. Seriously.

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I mean, they tried to overthrow the government once. When he says that the first term didn’t count because of PRESIDENTIAL INTERFERENCE, who’s gonna stop him?

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First they came for Bill Barr…. and I said nothing because it was hilarious.

But seriously that is how Riverman’s prediction of the US becoming like Russia happens. Bill Barr is not getting got for any of the many terrible things he did, he is getting got because he wasn’t on board with stealing the 2020 election. None of the gangsters in Trump’s second administration will have such qualms.

Oh, and the other thing the article says Trump wants to do on day 1 is use the Insurrection Act against anyone protesting his Inauguration, I.e. use the military against civilians for funsies.

One last thing, the President has complete authority in deciding whether the Insurrection Act is triggered and the Courts have no authority to second guess his decision…:

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It’s like literally impossible, constitutionally speaking, for him to serve a third term. Say what you will about the insurrection, they pretended Pence had the authority to do whatever with the Electoral College. Do you really think “lol fuck you” gets past the 22nd amendment which states:

Lol they’re not going to follow a single fucking rule if they get in charge again


Constitutionally speaking, an amendment is possible. Especially with some crazy ass voter suppression or rigged elections in a midterm. But yes I do think that we are drawing very live to dictatorship if he gets back in. If he’s still alive, he’s not going to waltz off into the sunset and wait to see if he gets indicted 91 times again.

They’ll pretend someone has the authority to do something and then they’ll do what they need to do to try to pull it off. Could be court packing, could be insurrection, lots of possible outcomes.

lol the only thing that will actually stop them is guys with guns, a rule/law is totally useless unless the guys with guns are enforcing it, good luck with that

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If either of you wants to make a bet on Trump winning 2024 and serving anymore than that term, let’s talk terms.

My waaf cred runs deep, you could talk me into a bunch of dark scenarios, but there is no way in hell he gets around the 22nd amendment unless there’s a new amendment. There will not be a new amendment, this is hysteria not analysis. Just like last time, in 2029 he will not be the legal head of state, and the guys with the guns will not obey his orders should he be insane enough to issue any.

They’re going to win the senate and if trump wins they probably win the house too. Which means they can literally do whatever the fuck they want.

can they repeal constitutional amendments?

Is there anything stopping Trump from being Vice President after 2 terms, aka de facto President?

Short answer, no not really, longer answer, no-ish but maybe?

Does the Constitution limit the ability of a twice-before-elected President to serve as Vice-President? This question, as it turns out, presents an intricate constitutional puzzle, the solution of which requires working through four separate sub-inquiries: Is a two-term President totally ineligible for the Vice-Presidency? Is such a person barred from election to the Vice-Presidency even if that person remains appointable to that office? Is a twice-before-elected President, even if properly placed in the Vice-Presidency, incapable of succeeding from that office to the Presidency? And even if such a succession can occur, must the resulting term of service as President expire after two years? This Article addresses each of these questions by laying bare the implications of the decisive constitutional texts — namely, Article II’s enumeration of Presidential qualifications, the Twelfth Amendment’s treatment of qualifications for the Vice-Presidency, and the post-service limitations placed on two-term Presidents by the Twenty-Second Amendment. To be sure, thoughtful analysts have argued that the Constitution forecloses the possibility that a twice-before-elected President can hold (or at least secure election to) the Vice-Presidential office. Close inspection reveals, however, that that view misses the mark. In fact, the relevant constitutional provisions, their histories, and their purposes all point to the same conclusion: A twice-before-elected President may become Vice-President either through appointment or through election and — like any other Vice-President — may thereafter succeed from that office to the Presidency for the full remainder of the pending term.


(VERIFY: No, President Barack Obama can not serve as Biden's VP | wusa9.com)

Yeah, there is something in the constitution about how someone who can’t be President is not allowed to be VP either. However, the way that it is worded leaves a tiny bit of wiggle room (even though it is clear what they intended).

Edit: Ponied by a better answer. Looks like that wiggle room is roomier than I thought.