Golf Thread: US Open at Pinehurst - RORY VS. ROIDS

All of these douchebags are probably pro Trump though except Rory? Maybe I should only be rooting for him.

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This course looks absolutely terrifying to play for the average golfer, greens just surrounded with trouble on all sides.

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this is my favorite style of course because i am not that long but i have good control and short game. i’m sad i’ll never be rich enough to play here. it looks like a blast. the long holes are long but when you play them for par they aren’t really that bad. it forces you to make a lot of decisions. I dunno why it’s been getting so much hate.

what a finish

Rory has to have a bird call there and…puts it on safely leaving a 40 footer. There was only one guy ever who made this sport compelling to watch for non-golfers really because he would have ripped this sugar cookie’s throat out 10/10 times.

I don’t have any real idea fleshed out, but I envision some kind of scenario where in the final round players if you are not in the final group but have a share of the lead or maybe are within a shot, you wait and they group up all the players with a shot to win to play the last hole together.

Or maybe live re-pair after each hole on the back nine. Ricky pukes another bogey? Boom, he’s out and Rory is now in the final group. Sure, it can’t really work but I hate when someone scrubs out and fails and sort of wrecks the last pairing.

One Oklahoma state alum blows it so another one can win it. I can live with that.

There’s no way he wanted to hit it way out to the left there. Guys don’t hit the perfect shot 100% of the time especially on the final holes of major championship. Yeah Rory seems to do that a lot in these high leverage spots which is a bummer because he’s so damn talented, watching him hit a ball is a thing of beauty.

The ball goes too damn far.

God nantz is suck a fucking moron

He just said something “Massachusetts counts here (as part of new england)”

Please shut the fuck up

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god brooks is a dbag

A more pro LIV take on the future, worth reading. It seems plausible to me, but also just reinforces that we know nothing yet because the truth will be in the details of the contract and how much room Monahan is given to operate without approval from the Saudis^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1676863115265179648|twgr^7139c81314b1f7e77fd62dca468478e9f4354a72|twcon^s1_&

Stephen Smith: Skip I want to ADDRESS this issue
[Bayless nods]
Stephen: you KNOW I am sensitive to the victims of 9/11
Bayless: absolutely
Stephen: BUT -


Rory hit a persimmon driver today.

265 carry.


It probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for golf if they made everyone on the PGA Tour use wooden drivers. Like with baseball, use aluminum bats till you go pro, then you gotta use wood.


That would be SICK.

But it would hurt driver sales, so it’ll never happen. Which is unfortunate, because rolling back the ball doesn’t solve the issue that with modern technology they can dial in a driver to the extent that it’s pretty hard to hit it way off line. So the long hitters don’t have to worry about big misses, and the guys with pure swings don’t get much of an advantage.

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lol, rory’s quoted as saying he’d sooner quit golf than play for LIV

You’re probably right. Might make for an entertaining tourney where they restrict the equipment.

The real challenge would be where they draw the line. Because these guys would just hit a modern iron off the tee if they were forced to use wooden clubs for woods (and I assume hybrids or it’s even more pointless). I have a “utility” driving iron (top line looks like an iron with a slightly wider sole) that Rory or Dustin or Bryson could probably still hit 275+. Then the equipment makers could spec out and optimize a driving iron for these guys for max distance instead of consistency and we’ll be right back to a 300 yard average distance for the top guys.

If they somehow make them play full on with 1970s equipment that would be alright, otherwise I just see them playing whatever modern clubs they’re allowed

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