Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Sure. Hamas still won an election. It’s really not that big of a deal, I’ve clearly stated they’re a fascist dictatorship for some time now

Donald Trump won an election once upon a time too. That doesn’t mean he’s currently the duly elected president.

More than half of the population of Gaza (you know, all those kids getting bombed) was not alive when that election took place lol


So you’re cool with Bibi’s genocide regardless of what percentage of the population in, I assume you mean Gaza not the West Bank, supports Hamas?

I know, I know, you’re not calling it a genocide. But the UN’s independent expert, Amnesty International, and the International Court of Justice are, and that’s good enough for me.

Hey cw can you point to where I said anything like this? Thanks.

Thanks for sharing.

Can you point to where I said hamas was the duly elected government of the West Bank? Because my posts says once and I call them a fascist dictators elsewhere.

Y’all have lost the ability to simply read a post without adding wholesale shitty strawman arguments because you’re upset. Ffs

Nope, we all saw your post saying “the Palestinians” were unreasonable. Pvn pointed out that the “Palestinians” didn’t do shit because Hamas is “unelected.”

In no other context would you refer to leadership as “elected” because they received 41% of the vote nearly two decades ago and decided that meant they had a mandate to execute the opposition and cease unchecked power.

But you did it here. Why’d you do it Ikes? Are you yourself uneducated or are you actively trying to
mislead others into becoming a genocide apologist like yourself?

What actually happened is that pvn called hamas unelected when they had been. My response even implies it’s not legit given “at least once”. Pvn was talking about something completely unrelated to what you’re talking about now, because you’re apparently too activated to carry on a basic conversation, which is why your post ends with your inflammatory nonsense. None of your shit makes sense, and it’s just misconstrued anger that helps nothing

Pretty sure I got the context exactly right.

You start your response with “Hamas was elected pvn.”

you do this shit all the time and everyone knows how it works

let’s recap

  1. you said that “their leadership never cared about peace” Israel Palestine Conflict 2023 - #1078 by CaffeineNeeded

  2. I pointed out this is an “unelected hamas government” Israel Palestine Conflict 2023 - #1081 by pvn

  3. you started the handwaving with “Hamas was elected pvn. Once at least.” Israel Palestine Conflict 2023 - #1082 by CaffeineNeeded

go fuck yourself with this "well I never said the exact words “hamas is duly elected” in that exact order dumb fucking shit. fuck off.

just admit you fucking talked out of your ass, got out over your skis and take the fucking L for once in your life rather than doing this dumb “oh shit I embarassed myself again, better MASH EVERY KEY and spew as much shit into the thread as possible so nobody can find the dumb posts in the thread by scrolling back, hide everything in a haystack of diarrhea” strategy

CN I feel like the problem with you is that you have the inverse of imposter syndrome. I think your default setting is something approaching 100% self confidence which gets you into some really bad/stupid situations when you are in fact wrong. You’ve also got nearly zero ability to imagine things from other people’s perspective which is fine because you don’t really want to.

Honestly it’s probably not the worst personality makeup for your job and it definitely has some significant advantages… but holy shit does it make having internet political discussions with you annoying sometimes. In particular your total in ability to take a loss, especially when you’ve gotten absolutely obliterated, isn’t the positive trait you probably think it is… it’s the reason why people are calling you ikes ITT now.

The Israel subject is turning your carriage back into a pumpkin and seriously impacting the rather substantial credibility you accrued during COVID. Nobody agrees with you on this because this is one of those situations where it just isn’t that complicated. It’s gross like playing devils advocate for how slavery wasn’t really that bad, or just asking questions about how good the evidence for the holocaust is. People simply aren’t going to separate how they see you from the arguments you’re making when the arguments you’re making are sufficiently odious. You’re way over the line on this dude the plausible deniability fig leaf for the IDF knowingly carrying out a genocide flew away months ago. They’ve murdered thousands of children since it blew away and now we’re all treating them like people who murdered tens of thousands of kids, very much on purpose, over the last few months… because that’s what indisputably happened.

Just take the loss here and stop digging dude. Enough.

Later you talk about Trump being duly elected, using that as an example of what I was saying, which I wasnt

None of this is relevant to anything I’ve said, just you lashing out.

Palestinian leadership going back quite some time has refused very real peace offers, including right now regarding a ceasefire. They keep rejecting it though, because they value killing Jews over Palestinian children.

Using “leadership” there is purposely used to avoid saying that’s how the Palestinian people actually feel about it

The Palestine-Israeli conflict, not that complicated!

The only real thing I’ve talked about recently is how the hang up for long term peace is mostly on the Palestinian leadership for the past 30 years or so. I haven’t stamped off on Israel razing the Gaza Strip or anything else.

Accurately describing what the IDF is doing is not complicated at all. Even normies figured it out when they bombed out 3 of the World Central Kitchen’s food delivery vehicles 1.5 miles apart. Everybody loves those guys!

What in the world are you talking about? You’ve created this fantasy where I support everything the idf is doing right now. It’s baffling

Oh and if you wanted to make an argument against what I’ve said, you could post this:


Which runs directly counter to my position here.

"We will not agree to not invade Rafah, or else we will invade Rafah. " Cool, cool.

Your argument has boiled down to defending Israel’s actions, arguing it’s not actually a genocide even though neutral authorities on the matter say it is, and saying it’s okay because Hamas is worse and Palestinians elected Hamas, before settling on not caring how many Palestinians actually support Hamas.

When a bunch of people have the same “fantasy” that you support something that you claim you clearly do not, that’s probably a you problem. It’s not baffling. You keep denying that the IDF is carrying out a genocide, and instead of saying that what they’re doing is wrong you whatabout it and both sides it. But not in a “Both sides have done horrible stuff and both are wrong for it,” way. In a, “Well if Hamas would do this if they could, then Israel can do it since they can,” kind of way with a little, “Hey Hamas was elected once!” thrown in.

Then you pretend to be baffled by why people think you support everything hte IDF is doing. Come on, dude.