No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

I am absolutely rooting for that to be it and you’re right it’s very very likely.

Yeah, my guess was out in the woods somewhere.

It doesn’t sound like this guy has gone up against any opponents so I don’t know how much his “training” is helping. Having a machine gun that can shoot as fast you can think is probably doing as much damage as being able to reload quickly…

I mean just having done basic training, having been required to qualify on a shooting range, and being taught whatever basic infantry tactics they teach everyone in the Army is going to make you a much more dangerous mass shooter than the typical teenage boys.

If this guy is any good at hiding out in the woods, he could probably go a while in rural Maine without getting caught. Also theoretically he could be damn near anywhere by now.

I still can’t believe a city of ~30k is the 2nd largest city in maine, that’s more shocking than the shooting. isn’t maine like super nice?

It’s super nice for three or four months a year. Almost half of the population lives in/around Portland.

Yeah, I hate to say it but we’ve probably been lucking out that most of these mass shooters are incompetent. This guy found a crowded spot and knew how to use his weapon accurately.

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The interior of Maine is the deep south of the Northeast.

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It’s the nicest place in the country 3 months of the year. The rest of the year it’s Appalachia.

I lived there in the 90’s as a kid.

Dog is on the case, this guy is as good as caught.

i’ve heard that about the stretch between philadelphia and pittsburg. i suppose that’s not northeast to some people

Deep South of New England perhaps more accurate.

Although parts of Vermont and NH are also pretty sketchy in this regard.

Think all this just emphasizes it’s not red state vs blue state. It’s rural vs urban/suburban.

I was shocked at how deplorable things got like 45 minute drive from Seattle


Maine’s population is about a quarter of Boston’s metro area population. Everyone lives on the 95 stretch, but they are not really aggregated in any place besides Portland.

Wonderful state

It’s all deep South except for the cities. Everywhere.

The oligarchs won big when the factory workers voted Republican in 1896. Pitting rural workers against urban workers has worked out fantastic with the way our system works.

Rural Vermont still votes blue.

There’s a chance he pulled a dexter and just took his skidoo out to sea. (Without the whole surviving part).

How funny would it be, and how long would it take to find out, if he just went off deep in the woods and killed himself?

The best high school senior prank I ever heard of was when the seniors released 4 live pigs in the hallways. They were painted jersey numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5. School officials closed the school and spent hours looking for pig #3.