No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

Rural Vermont, I ascertain by thinking about it for a moment, is full of gentleman farmers of the shitlib variety and patchouli smelling alfalfa munchers. Exception that proves the rule.

called it

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Three toddlers in one family?

Well now they they found him we can go back to pretending everything is fine and nothing needs to be done, whew.


They had twins.

By the way, shout out to the Dems, who had 57 Senate seats and 256 House Seats in 1994 and decided a 10-year ban was good enough. They proceeded to get clobbered in the midterms anyway, and here we are 30 years later…

amazing country, the guy’s threats were credible enough to commit him, but stopping him from buying a gun would be communism, GJGE, this country was a mistake

this country is never going to get better until people stop worshipping “the founders” like they were some fucking divine infallible oracles

where’s the tweet about how a single flavor-blasted cool ranch dorito would instantly kill thomas jefferson but sure let’s let these fuckers continue micromanaging the country from the grave

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Wasn’t one of Trump’s first acts to roll back changes Obama had made to make it easier for people with mental problems to buy guns?

True, but I imagine the founders are like,”yo we never said let crazy people get guns. What don’t you understand about “well regulated”? That you allow this is on you. Dumbasses.“


Decent chance they’d also be like, “We said they were only for the MILITIA you idiots!”

Yeah maybe I’m overly generous to people but if you showed bunch of them some assault rifles I really think they would have been like WTF nobody should have this. They may have been racist but I really don’t think they were idiots

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It would 100% be this. They would be like ‘we wanted the state national guard to be able to credibly fight the us army, also the size of this standing army is against everything we ever believed in. Why do you have these pop guns while the army has drones? You seem way too chill given your last president tried to go full tyrant. Put me back in the ground you people are idiots. Freed the slaves… financially irresponsible dipshits.’

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They couldn’t have comprehended it with the weaponry of their day. Flintlock muskets were muzzle loaded and could fire only a few rounds a minute, and nothing even close to the amount of damage an assault rifle can do, let alone with the same accuracy.

a 9mm handgun is vastly more powerful than any infantry weapon of that day.

Why does anyone care what slave owners wrote 250 years ago?

It lets them conserve the racism.

What other choice we have? If states wrote a new constitution now it would probably be even worse than what we working with