No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

I don’t know how much I trust the parents on this one. That same statement claimed the gun was secured and basically blamed the child

Tough situation when local government is legally obligated to provide “schooling” for all residents but there rarely the funding for those who seem to need more of a massively resource intensive psychological treatment environment more than they need an actual school

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Surprised this hasn’t turned to mental illness support, that kid sounds like a nightmare. I’m pretty comfortable with putting kids in special needs programs the first time they throw furniture around a class room.

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If the kid got it, then by definition it was not secured.

I lean way towards they are full of shit. I’ve also never heard of a case where a parent was with the child in the classroom, maybe in some highly specialized schools but??!

Sounds like the school used it as a way to get around not having resources for a proper IEP.

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I don’t recall mass shootings of this magnitude where the shooter got away. That’s really scary if he decides to strike again. Usually these guys don’t expect to get away.

Holy shit. So it is the Michael Myers scenario.


they think they caught the alhambra guy. shot himself in a standoff with swat. the wrinkle is there was a separate incident nearby where people wrestled a semi automatic weapon from a gunman - and the saddest thing is they aren’t sure if they’re related.

When I read that I was like “of course theyre related, what are the odds two separate mass shootings happen at the same time and place?” and then realized the odds are probably way higher than you’d think.

It’s like the odds of two people in an office sharing a birthday. In this country the odds of two mass-shootings not happening at the same time at least once a year are astronomical.

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they confirmed it was the same guy.

I really like that area. some of the best chinese food in the country. great golf course down there too. very sad, especially on new year holiday. The shooter was 72, which seems very unusual.

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It is. Sometimes you see some sort of medical condition cause something like this. No idea on the frequency I guess, but it happened to a patient I’ve seen.

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I’ve heard of people becoming angrier when they’re in certain stages of dementia, and head injuries causing personality changes, but outside of medical reasons it’s hard to imagine how someone lives an entire ass life and then snaps like this. it’s almost always white men in their early 20’s or teens.

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you should look up the killdozer guy

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oh yes there’s a good doc of it somewhere. crazy story, ended up just being a bunch of delusions he had. I don’t think he killed anyone but himself though.

I’m sure gramps could have killed 10 people with a knife or some nunchucks, nothing to see here!

good point and good right wing trolling fodder, thanks

what we need is more good senior citizens with knives on their nunchucks.

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I have seen enough movies where only a good guy with a nunchuck could stop a bad guy with a nunchuck.