No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

Another mass shooting in CA perpetrated by an old Asian dude, this one in the Bay Area. WTF?

Per local news, it was a workplace shooting:

ABC7 News confirmed that the suspect was an employee at one of the mushroom farms where the shooting took place, and all victims were co-workers.

Mass shootings are so common that I don’t know whether the thread title was changed yesterday or a few minutes ago.

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i’m starting to think media is the problem.


I mean even by USA#1 standards, what in the actual fuck?

Nobody thought of calling the police after being turned down by the administrators?

Those lawsuits are going to be fun.

Yeah this looks bad.

Although on another day this sounds like the psychopath kid who would lie about the gun, cops show up and he stab one in eye with a pencil or something then we reading a story about police brutality against kindergartner who didn’t even have a gun. Being a teacher in this country is absolutely insane

I can understand how they dismiss the first report of a 6 six year old having a real gun, but three separate ones?

O yeah I agree, I would call the first time. I just mean six year olds lie a lot and if the teachers call the cops on all of them then they probably get hate for that too so tough to be teacher

In USA#1 I don’t see how you dismiss any report of a 6-year-old having a gun in school. How f’ing hard is it to check up on that?

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Maybe they were busy looking into reports of an 8-year-old with a howitzer.

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The parents have confirmed they are safe and responsible gone owners and their weapons are secured.

This is WTF, but I do worry about the fact that we blame the teachers and school workers and not, you know the fucking insane gun laws in this country.


It sounds like there is plenty of blame to go around. I’d like to think if a kid was rumored to have brought a gun to school and I was a teacher I would have got the gun away from the kid before going to the principle about it. But it is easy to arm chair quarterback situations like this…

3 dead 7 shot in another la mass shooting…

aww fuck, more security expert advice

a few shootings have been stopped now by a brave person sacrificing themselves to stop the attacker. someone’s gonna die, but at least it’s not 50+ people. sad state of things.

If I were in that situation I’d like to believe I’d tackle the gunman but until you’re in a life or death situation you really have no clue how you’ll act. friend of mine was at the las vegas country music massacre - he’s still not the same. his friend got shot and killed right next to him.

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5th Circuit panel of 3 (2 Trump appointees)

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