No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

hahahahah oh wow


That just a run of the mill killing, not a school shooting. Get your facts straight.

Whatabout CHICAGO??

Stay safe @chuckleslovakian

Cool and normal country!

Been a while since i have traveled that far down I75. But yeah if a psychopath wanted to, could do quite some damage and would be hard to track

Schools are being closed today because they still haven’t caught the fucker


Snipers are the worst nightmare for cops. Someone takes a couple of shots from a good hide and chances are no one sees anything. They can continue that until they get tired of it or get sloppy. I suppose the reason we don’t see a lot of them is that you have to be pretty focused psychopath and not on some crazy spree thing…

Did they find that sniper yet? I live not far from there and I haven’t heard a thing.

They say you never hear the one that gets you.

Cellphone access seen as parents’ ‘emotional security blanket’

this is the important point, this isn’t about improving the safety of the students, it’s about the parents and their inability to manage their anxiety.

With my history, even w my kids fully established, I sometimes get horrible anxiety when I don’t hear back within a day or so of reaching out to one of them.

If I had high school aged kids I’d want them to have phone access. Build on a little holder on their desks so the teacher can keep them from being class distractions.


F. I have friends with kids the right age in that area.

Idk if any are in that specific school.


multiple high schools here on lockdown (including one in walking distance from me) due to someone posting on instagram this morning that they were gonna shoot the place up. Doesn’t seem like any shots were ever fired, some reports that they have someone in custody (at the school near me)

not sure if it was one kid making threats against multiple schools or a bunch of different kids (they’d have to be working together if that were the case, seems unlikely

seems kinda obvious that if you publicly post about it you’re not really serious but also obvious that they can’t just ignore it (the posts I saw had someone brandishing an AR-type rifle)

saw a lot of screenshots of text messages from students, fucking hate that shit

there’s another one floating around with a kid’s face visible with the gun which is what makes me think this is (hopefully) a hoax, some kid was messing around with an AR and someone got a picture of him with the gun and then spewed this to get him in trouble.

“I hope my self the best good luck”?

Is it possible this is the work of foreign adversaries sowing chaos? Seems like poorly translated Russian or Korean or something.

I probably only thought of this after hearing that at least some of the recent bomb threats in Springfield came from overseas.

yeah I think it’s possible. pretty sure it’s a hoax one way or another, seems to be zero shots fired, nobody actually apprehended with weapons, nothing.

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This is part of the much more common and invisible cost of mass shootings. Like this isn’t news because no one got shot but it’s still a big deal to lots of kids who are going to wonder in the back of their minds if tomorrow is the day their active shooter drills become reality.

yeah facebook is absolutely overrun with posts from moms posting screenshots of texts from their kids, it’s sad and horrifying and infuriating