Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Did you miss the divorce story

I thought about that but man this seems way too self-deprecating to make up about yourself. But maybe! If you’re dumb enough to fall for the “amazon is transferring you to the navy seals” bit you’re too dumb to concoct this, and if you’re clever enough to concoct this you’ve got too much self respect to make yourself the victim. And it would be insane for this to be some sort of long-con invented character. IDK I’m definitely overthinking it.

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The clear lesson here is never answer the phone. Ever.


I almost fell for a scam once. Scammers got an old Cathay Pacific 800 number. I literally got the number off the Cathay Pacific website. I think I was booking a British Airways flight with Asia miles or something - had to be done over the phone. The scam is to fake book the flights then steal the surcharges (which can be several thousand bucks). I caught on when they asked weird extra questions about my credit card but it was pretty sophisticated.

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Right after our first child was born we had been having some internet problems with intermittent connectivity. I had been trying a bunch of stuff to fix it. I mentioned it to my wife and she was like “oh, I think I know what this this, I got an email from PacBell about it” (I think it was still PacBell we had DSL through). It was immediately obvious to me that she had fallen for a phishing attack, which were relatively new-ish at the time (this would have been 2005). She had given them every bit of info you can imagine, but no money. Had to change all our bank accounts, lock our credit, the whole nine yards. I was livid, but she was still very much post-partum and even in her clearest state my wife tends to be wayyyyy too trusting of other people.

Apparently… What’s the divorce story?

My late father in his late 80s and the 70 something neighbor googled “Amazon kindle support” and called the first hit.

They took remote control of his LAPTOP and charge him $300 for “anti-virus” software.

Thankfully they were just frauds and not complete thieves. Actually got to scream at a guy that spoke poor English. Of course hung up on me.

It took an unbelievable amount of effort to get USBank to protest the charge (he bought an actual “service” they said). I said it was vulnerable elder abuse and they knew it. Had to go up like 3 phone levels and threaten to file a formal complaint with the state AG to get them to relent.

This is like the real world example of the Newsroom episode, except worse, and after the show. It’s life imitating art mocking life.

So this person clearly has difficulty with their mental health. It’s sad to see someone go through this. That said, their perceptions of self and others is often divorced from reality.

I’m not sure what else I’m supposed to pick up from this. I see the scammed out of money story dissimilar.

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I have more faith in Canada to get this right than the USA. I could totally see SCOTUS ruling 6-3 that corporations are not responsible for their ai agents, and that ultimately it’s caveat emptor.




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Already lost. It was in the Bluesky post but the way SPE displays the preview, the key info was cut off:

I’m still not sure Canada got it totally right. There need to be punitive damages for pulling this shit. It looks like all that was awarded was the difference in ticket price. I wouldn’t call it a hardcore loss. As played, they just keep pulling the same stunt and a large percentage of people will just eat it rather than filing a suit.

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I get effing pissed when a company sells me something and then I find out with service, warranty, etc it’s a separate entity and I get the run-around.

Get the F outta here.


Seems good for wisconsin


Well he is finally right about the rapture, but still wrong in his ultimate conclusion.

I’d like to suggest the rapture happened a long time ago. We are all the left behinds.

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WaPo: Haley’s nearly all-White high school lacked lessons of racism, some say | non-paywall link

About Haley moving from public high school to a nearby segregation academy (private, nearly all-white schools founded to escape integration). Mostly notable due to this piece of history I never heard of:

Interviewees who attended Orangeburg Prep say they never learned about this in school, twenty years after it happened.

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