Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right


I agree that people paying $6K for a one-way flight to NY with their dog is a sign of late-stage capitalism.

On the other hand, I hear a LOT of bitching and moaning from people who are angry at dog-owners bringing dogs everywhere. For those of us who refuse to do the fake ESA thing to bring our dogs where they’re otherwise prohibited (or just not wanted by a lot of people), this offers an alternative.

Some people are not super-attached to their dogs. I accept it, but I don’t understand it. Anyway, some of us are, for whatever reason, extremely attached to our dogs, but also don’t want to be assholes.

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Not super sure. Just repeating something I heard somewhere. @CaffeineNeeded ? What’s worse for health, long term / chronic tobacco abuse, or long term / chronic tobacco use?

Tobacco 100% worse than marijuana. No one can smoke several packs of blunts per day.


FWIW this doesn’t work anymore. FAA changed the rules and airlines are no longer required to accomodate ESAs. Service animals only.

(and, to be nitty, there really isn’t such a thing as a “fake ESA” unless you mean something like a stuffed animal, “real” ESAs don’t require any sort of certification, the needed credential is for the patient, not the animal)

What sort of paperwork do you need for a service animal? Is it hard to get, or can you just pay some sketchy vet $500 and get the papers.


Most service animals have papers of some sort as most are trained by professionals but the ADA doesn’t require it, you can legally train your own service animal.

So why don’t all the ESA people just claim that their animals are service animals? Just claim it is for seizures. Or maybe they’re already doing that?

I’m sure some are but most of the ESA cheaters didn’t understand the rules and were buying bogus cards from scammers on the internet that had no legal weight to begin with.

For service animals, the rules are tough, the business is basically only allowed to ask two questions (1. Is this a service animal 2. What tasks is the animal trained to perform for you (or some variation of that)) but I do think they have some ability to exclude an animal and its human if the animal can’t behave but I think the bar is pretty high

Also the FAA has a lot of leeway here and they are not completely bound by the ADA (though the airport is). I think they have stricter rules that the standard ADA but I’m not sure what the differences are.

When I moved from NY to SF I had a friend use his license to sign a form to make my dog some sort of official service animal. Choices were to do that or drive my dog across the nation.

Plan was damn near empty anyways (moved July 2020). Have some fun photos of my dog in JFK in a nearly completely empty terminal.

Yeah this. Also, the only kinds of animals that are recognized as service animals by the ADA are dogs and mini-horses.

What about monkeys?





I saw a documentary about this.



This is pretty frickin’ awesome


I’m pretty sure my buddy is on this. He’s 83 y.o. with stage 4 non-small cell, and he told me his drs told him he could probably expect 4+ years, maybe more. This kind of floored me as about 13 years ago I had the same kind of lung cancer, but only stage 3b, and they gave me about a 20% chance to last the year. He didn’t remember what the drug he was on was called, but it has to be this.