Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Massive lol at these clowns.

Haven’t seen anything about this in the local media that I follow. Hopefully it gets some traction and these goofs get fired.

the party of small government gearing up to get into all your business (and I’m sure this will never be deployed to figure out if your daughter is ovulating)

I was just thinking about this guy the other day, looks like he’s back!

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WaPo gift link: How China extended its repression into an American city

An investigation into how China repressed protests at the APEC conference in San Francisco earlier this year.

Lots of details on specific incidents. Consulate officials and CCP supporters really wanted to silence anti-Xi protesters.


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I’m not online enough to know why Stancil is polarizing on Twitter, but jbouie and Chris Hayes both recommended his retrospective piece on running for office (State House in Minnesota, where he lost a close race in the Dem primary) and what he learned from it:


I’m finally getting around to reading this VERY LONG Atlantic article by George Packer about Phoenix. It largely focuses on water, but ranges widely into history, politics, homelessness, Kari Lake, Trump rallies, Turning Point, etc.

I haven’t finished it yet, but at one point he interviews the “QAnon Shaman” (who went to prison for J6 crimes) and I hadn’t realized just how bonkers this poor guy is.

Why had he gone to the Capitol in regalia on January 6? He had a spiritual answer and a political answer. The Earth’s electromagnetic field produces ley lines, he explained, which crisscross one another at sacred sites of civilizational importance, such as temples, pyramids, and the buildings on the National Mall. “If there’s going to be a million people assembling on the ley lines in Washington, D.C., it’s my shamanic duty, I believe, to be there and to ensure that the highest possible frequencies of love and peace and harmony are plugged into the ley lines.” That was the spiritual answer.

The political answer consisted of a long string of government abuses and cover-ups going back to the Tuskegee experiment, and continuing through the Warren Commission, Waco, Oklahoma City, 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hillary Clinton’s emails, COVID and the lockdowns, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and finally the stolen 2020 election. “All of these things were like a culmination for me,” he said, “ ’cause I have done my research, and I looked into the history. I know my history.” Chansley’s only regret about January 6 was not anticipating violence. “I would have created an environment that was one of prayer and peace and calm and patience before anything else took place.” That day, he was at the front of the mob that stormed the Capitol and broke into the Senate chamber, where he left a note on Vice President Mike Pence’s desk that said, “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.”

As for the conspiracy theory about a global child-sex-trafficking ring involving high-level Democrats: “Q was a successful psychological operation that disseminated the truth about corruption in our government.”

One leader had the Shaman’s complete respect—Donald Trump, who sneered at globalists and their tyrannical organizations, and who, Chansley said with that strain of confident knowing in his voice, declassified three vital patents: “a zero-point-energy engine, infinite free clean energy; a room-temperature superconductor that allows a zero-point-energy engine to function without overheating; and what’s called a TR3B—it’s a triangular-shaped antigravity or inertia-propulsion craft. And when you combine all these things together, you get a whole new socioeconomic-geopolitical system.”

Non-paywall link

There were subtle hints:


I realize it is hard to report this but basically every single person remaining in the Trump orbit is obviously mentally ill. Clinically.


Yeah the loss of the scummy but competent guys now that he’s gotten too hot to be close to really seems to be ruining Trump’s ability to buy help. I really think he’s deeply fucked here. He really needed to keep his head above water in the debate and muddle his way to a draw… but instead he got waffle crushed and sounded crazy and incompetent.

Wow. As someone from the industry that is not a small credit line for a B2C pillow marketing company with bad credit. Whoever approved that line should definitely get fired. I guarantee they’re a dumb as rocks MAGA type.

Just for comparison I moved 2500 loads of melons for one customer in 2017, they sucked at paying on time (very stressful lol) and still never got more than 600k out. 2500 full truckloads in 6-7 months is a pretty decent amount of volume, there’s no chance mypillow was ever moving anything close to that much freight.

Living in an extremely heavy Armenian diaspora city as I do, this will be big news. I’m confused because I think Russia backs Azerbaijan, but maybe that’s an incidental part of the story. The reason that wouldn’t make much sense is that the folks from Nagorno-Karabakh would presumably be staging a coup because they want Armenia to fight against Azerbaijan for that region.

Wouldn’t it make sense if Russia foments a coup against their ally’s enemy?