Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

100% he’s a sleazeball

Starting to hear some buzz that academic research could be the source but you’d think people would be on tv saying “they shot down by aeronautical measurement device”

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The International Space Station would’ve felt a 10.2

Thinking about the Ohio train situation and I realized that, while I could come up with a reasonable guess for this, I hadn’t actually looked it up yet. So…

2020 general:

2022 Senate:


Anyway, let’s check in on them:


Fuck Joe Manchin. Guarantee that he has done everything in his power to keep regulation away from coal mining. Wouldnt be surprised if he did the same with rail companies.

Water is moving toward Cinci. Wind is blowing east.

Defund rural America

You worried about this at all around our general neck of the woods? The air quality index got worse yesterday with PM2.5 pollution. Not crazy bad, but if the pollutants are from this, could be worse than the PM2.5 index might normally indicate (based on the actual particulates involved). I have no idea how long this stuff takes to disperse and whether it would be reaching our area after dispersing enough to be of no concern or not.

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Time to buy a canary, imo.

I think with wind that dissipation, currents etc will not be an issue.

The indicate downwind area- I’d be concerned. It’s not like these are necessarily particulates so not sure if filters help. Would be a pretty freaking huge carbon cylinder to clean the air for a house.

Water-no effing way. Bottled.

I mean, A who fucking cares who they voted for and B what about the 25% living in the cancer cloud in Eastern Ohio that don’t vote for Republicans?

We have been known to talk here, from time to time, about

:leopard: :plate_with_cutlery: :grimacing:

I’m not saying these people deserved it or “ha ha ha got what you voted for” or anything. It’s certainly interesting that they voted for (well mostly racism but also) deregulation and against the environment, and now there’s a flaming cancer train in the middle of their town, and they’ll probably still vote the same way again next election without a second thought.

This seems like the perfect spot for Bernie or Fetterman to jump in and do the angry working-class socialist thing by yelling at the railroads and DeWine, idk why no one’s jumping in front of cameras.

Gonna blamed Joe and Mayor Pete when it was their hero Don’s admin that cancelled the chemical train breaking improvements.


Fetterman’s busy.

Bernie’s former staff and rabid supporters, however, are doing the work attacking…the Biden admin and specifically one official who really doesn’t have much power to investigate the crash (NTSB) or clean up the site (EPA) or enact regulations (Congress). Nor are they focusing their ire at the railroad company who is supposed to maintain the cars and follow the safety regulations.

I’ll give you three guesses as to who that official is, and the first two don’t count.

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Around here you’re going to bottled water? Or you’re saying if you lived closer?

So which nuts are the most environmentally safe? I been snacking on almonds, didn’t realize they needed like 10 gallons of water per nut.

Complete guess would be peanuts because they aren’t really nuts


I’m on bottled water nation wide and you’re fucking up if you aren’t as well. I don’t trust the quality of the ground water anywhere, but especially not in Texas lol. No Philly is not any better.

I think it’s just botanical nittery
Peanuts, for instance, usually have two seeds and easily break open, Jernstedt said. Because they grow in a pod, they’re technically a [legume], a family of plants that produce their fruit (often beans) in a pod, and have more in common with snow peas than actual nuts.