Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Oh come one now, that one has to be real.


jesus fucking christ when you’re on a 7:00AM zoom call waiting for a customer who isn’t showing up you find out some weird shit about your cow-orkers, today I learned that forest fires are the fault of “eco-terrorists” who something something prevented the US Forestry Service from maintaining firebreaks. Also california agriculture used to be a self-sustaining utopia, but then something something environmentalists, and now it uses all the water.

what the hell


It’s probably a zebra!

Awkward spot for the customer to potentially join the call mid-sentence!

Are the cops mad they weren’t invited?

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need an office yambag thread in my opinion lol, I hear some wild shit

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this is a masterful impression


this biden admin thing of blocking access to painkillers and adhd meds unless you see a doc in person is only limiting access to meds to people who DESPERATELY need them to function. there’s literally no upside.

like the argument is, “oh bad actors will abuse the system.”

ok? and? we have a super duper police state to go catch these guys right? oh wait.

incompetent fed fucks.

Bad actors were abusing the system. Not will, were. There was some shitty companies doing a lot of bs adhd stuff a bit ago, and I think this is in response to that. Still not a fan, but this isn’t a hypothetical

then the dea should do its actual job and not do what they did years ago when they fucked over chronic pain patients. punish the bad actors, not the people who rely on the meds.

people abuse in person appointments too. it’s nonsense.

the real reason imho they’re going after these is that the telehealth companies were often far cheaper than the traditional avenues people had for getting help. for $300 I can get an adhd evaluation, someone who will actually listen to me, real diagnostic tests ordered that I can take to other doctors, and meds in my hand within weeks.

traditional pathways to adhd diagnosis can take months/years and cost thousands of dollars. it’s just not accessible at all and telehealth made it more feasible.

no opinion on the painkillers. for me, I used to take adhd meds when my condition got unmanageable. if it werent for telehealth I couldn’t have done it and at the time it was life changing.

I stopped taking them because of heart problems (which, SHOCKER, my telehealth provider told me about but my “real” doctor didnt) but in the process I learned of huge numbers of people that these drugs helped to change their lives and I can’t imagine making access to these drugs more difficult is a better health outcome for these people.

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I personally know a lot of people with fake adderall prescriptions

It being easier to get adderall definitely is a decent sized chunk of why there’s been a shortage. But honestly when it comes to drugs I’m pretty libertarian. I’m not in favor of drugs being illegal or gated behind a doctor writing a prescription. Yes some people will do idiotic shit with them, and I’m fine with that as long as it means the people who need drugs can get them.

I have this theory the adderall shortage is in part due to people going to that drug to cope with covid brain fog

going to the campus health center in person, acting strung out and complaining about schoolwork stress to get some adderall pills, was a relatively big problem back in college. i know several people who would flip those pills in the dorm for a profit.

the in person system was also easy to abuse. i do hope they know what they’re doing now.

Narrator: They did not. Government intervention in the drug business had been a disaster since its inception and would continue to be so.