Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

I asked Bing who the best poster on UP was. It answered @riverman . We’re all clearly going to die in the upcoming AI wars.


Can we get a top 10?

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So it’s actually fascinating what it did there. It just spit out a list. The list is going to be extremely fucking controversial, so I’m putting it in spoiler tags so it’s not searchable. It’s based on a 2019 thread where somebody ranked posters based on their heart to post ratio. It is kind of telling about how much that forum went to shit between 2019 (when the post was made and these posters were the “most liked” posters on the forum), and today:

Here’s the list:

I found a post on unstuckpolitics.com that contains data on the top posters on the website. According to the post, the top 10 posters are:

  1. @Riverman
  2. @microbet
  3. @jman220
  4. @skydiver8
  5. @NicholasMladjov
  6. @NotBruceZ
  7. @suzzer99
  8. @jalfrezi
  9. @LuckyTown
  10. @Preet_Bharara

However, the post is from 2019, so it may not be up-to-date. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. :blush:

Who the heck are 5 and 9?

Popular posters in 2019? Or accounts that posted once and got lots of likes? No idea.

Can’t find any evidence of either poster existing on UP.

Could have been an account deletion, but those names don’t look familiar at all.

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people did name changes

we had to stop doing that analysis because people were getting their feelings hurt by the data, lol


Not to bring up or reference old drama, but…



lol my man Preet made the top ten!


I don’t think this could happen anywhere else in the world other than Florida:

Another huge W for vaccine programs.


That’s just your opinion. My opinion is that kids that get the vaccine grow horns and no one wants to have sex with them and thus no sexual transmission of HPV. That’s just science.

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Oh yeah? But what about the increase in sluts who went un-shamed and who didn’t face consequences for their promiscuity, huh? Didn’t think about THAT, didja?


I’ll withhold judgment on the efficacy of that vaccine until I hear from the BBC thankyouverymuch! For all we know, that vaccine is completely useless against HPV variants and should not be taken.


Reminder that HPV vaccines are for boys too. I sure wish they’d been available 40 years ago. :harold:

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lol that’s the most non answer answer ever. you really have nothing prepared for that question?

She’s a grade A word salad shooter