Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

I think for the vast majority of people on this earth, even ones we don’t like, I’d be like “tragic coincidence” but Thiel is absolutely not one of them:

I spoke with Thomas while doing reporting for a profile of Thiel, which is ongoing. … Thomas also spoke with several Democratic and progressive activists who are working to expose what they see as Thiel’s hypocrisy. The activists provided recordings of interviews with Thomas to The Intercept. Some of the quotes in this story come from that audio.

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I don’t know much (anything really) about Thiel but always crazy to me how much someone like him willing to support primarily just to pay less taxes and have less corporate regulation

Legit probably had him killed

The theory that Thiel intentionally killed SVB by having his VC companies pull their deposits because he wanted to influence the Fed seems extremely plausible without looking into it much.

Dude is a 100/100 piece of shit.

Good for Lindsey. He should go do another TV interview fundraising inside the building today, in which he rips up the letter admonishing him. Not a fucking thing is going to happen to him, why should he give a flying fuck?

These clowns and their letters. Whole fucking system is on fire, Coons is at the heart of it being a corporate sellout, raking it in hand over fist, and he has the stones to write this letter and pretend THIS is the problem?

Fucking assholes, every last one of them.

Durbin is still letting home state senators block judges LOLOLOLOL

Because deep down in their very well-paid heart of hearts, eDems love conservative judges. Or at least they love the money they get for protecting them.

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Yep, 100% this. The Rs also enforced it for district judges when they were in charge and yet if you scan through the list of the 174 district judges DJT appointed you sure see a shitload of them from states with 1 or 2 D senators. Yet if you go through the list of JRB district judges only 8/86 are from states with an R senator: 4 from OH, and 4 from PA. And the 4 from PA were after Fetterman won Toomey’s seat.


Yep, didn’t some Dems withdraw their blue slips when Trump/Republicans threatened to kill the practice?

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Real or onion?

Hershey looking to remove lead from chocolate

Conservatives about to head to the fainting couches en masse:

This dude is a 23 year old college junior? wat?

Anyway glad this dude is getting got but also kinda sad that likely nothing happens here if his dad wasn’t famous

Total asshole. The fact that he gave an insincere apology after being brought down to see that he’d broken the wheelchair and there was a woman with amputated legs who needed it? Fuck that guy. Like, I could buy the drunk people do stupid shit defense, followed by a sincere apology and replacing the chair with his (or daddy’s) money, doing something using his immense privilege to actually make it right - like raising money at a home game for the disabled community in the girl’s honor. No remorse? Fuck off, what a prick.

And fuck the charges, I say make him drop the gloves with Donald Brashear. Or maybe put him in the chair and throw him down the stairs in it.

Also ridiculous that it’s getting replaced from the donations of strangers and not a check from the Briere family.

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I’m shocked this ever made the news. If I was his dad this goes away with a sincere private apology and I probably replace the wheelchair with the next model up in terms of price. Nobody ever complains when you treat them slightly better than fairly immediately… and this is one of those situations where you’re obviously at fault and that’s nearly always the right move.

If I was the Flyers I would be worried about Danny Briere’s judgement right about now. If he can’t clean up an obvious/easy mess it’s a good idea having him be the general manager of a pro sports team?

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Totally agree. He’s only the interim GM and there are only 2-3 weeks left in the season, so they’ll probably keep him on as planned, but they should definitely can him. They’re a horribly run organization, though. I was a die-hard Flyers fan for years, and I barely watch anymore. I was no fair weather fan, they just completely killed the team by running it horribly.

idk if we have a cops thread here but good lord

This is A+ grifting

valuable brand with future potential



Tried to explain rainbolt to my wife at dinner after like three manhattans. Didn’t go well