Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right


Blissfully happy that we have moved on

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I think the ranting passenger was both absolutely wrong and completely out of line and also pretty funny. “We’re not in Florida yet” lololol

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I’m terrified of flying with my child precisely because of that kind of story

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Oh wow the NPR Politics Podcast interview with Fetterman is an amazing listen.

On fire


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Holy fuck that sounds like an awful way to go.

Don’t fuck your coworkers, part infinity.

Ron Desantis about to get shellacked by Mickey Mouse:

I know lolcourts and all, but this is such a ridiculously strong case. The man admitted what he was doing, all over the place, and devoted a chapter to it in his fucking book.


He drew an Obama judge lolollolololol

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“But Disney also knows that it is fortunate to have the resources to take a stand against the State’s retaliation – a stand smaller businesses and individuals might not be able to take when the State comes after them for expressing their own views. In America, the government cannot punish you for speaking your mind.”


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Am I understanding correctly that they are suing DeSantis personally? If so holy shit they’ll take everything he owns. Obviously they’re moving to block all the anti disney stuff he’s doing, but also isn’t this a personal lawsuit about economic damages from abuse of power?

They’re not seeking monetary damages. Just injunctive relief.

Man, reading this complaint is hilarious. It’s just quote after quote pulled directly from Desantis’ own fucking book. Meanwhile, they’re going to end up with a preliminary injunction rolling back even the abolition of the RCID, which is something that they were fine with letting die (and letting Desantis get a symbolic win on). Desantis just couldn’t take the symbolic win and legitimately wanted to force them to change their content.

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Let me present you the official Twitter account of the German armed forces

Tweet 1: Bundeswehr flew 400 people from 20 countries out of Sudan

Tweet 2 (“Peter”): How many exactly of those were German? I’d really like to know. The pictures show hardly any Germans.

Tweet 3: How would you ascertain their German citizenship from pictures? Sandals and white tennis socks?


lol this fucking idiot had a can of bear spray on him when he was hurt and he’s still trying to be like “no, all those bear spray attacks on homeless people? that wasn’t me!”

But yeah, totally shocking to find that yet another sensationalized crime story in San Francisco is, for the infinitieth time, not what it appears to be at first glance!