Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Horn rim glasses?


This feels like a really clarifying incident in the context of recent demands to be tough on crime. Like this guy was murdered, in public, and none of the typical voices demanding we crack down on crime seem to particularly give a shit that the guy who did it is still out free. Not that this is terribly shocking, but it is rare to see such an “oh my god, they admit it” kind of moment.


Did you guys know Abraham Lincoln is the only President to ever hold a US patent.

Oh come on. Surely President Franklin had several. Learn some history.

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You know, it’s surprising Franklin never applied for any. His friend Thomas Jefferson was the guy who issued patents!

I have an internal monologue, and until recently I took it for granted that everyone did. I’m curious if internal monologues are more common in this sort of community compared with the population at large:

Do you have an internal monologue?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes (under certain conditions, say)
  • I’m not sure

0 voters


the closest thing to that I come to is when I read i can hear it in my head. i don’t talk to myself mentally. that sounds incredibly noisy and i’m the last person in the world i’d be interested in talking to.

i tend to think in imagery and abstractions that only make sense to me and are pretty intuitive and i dont notice most of the time. if someone asks me how i reach a conclusion i know is logical backtracking and explaining is sometimes hard because the steps to get there were not some reasoned process in my head, just a bunch of connections that came together. I used to brush it off as uncanny intuition.

I think I noticed it most distinctly when I was learning to golf. often I hear struggling golfers explain the insane thoughts going through their heads as they stand above the ball, like it was actually real and loud, and all i could respond was my brain is completely quiet because what else is there to do but try to swing at the ball? some people can’t imagine a completely quiet mind and that was very noticeable to me in golf.

i also noticed it in the workplace when often people will comment that I look lost in thought which i am but when asked I can’t put into words what i am thinking. that was also a sign.

I gotta admit I’m not clear on the concept even after reading the article.

My mind is hardly quiet; I often have trouble sleeping due to racing thoughts. But are these thoughts verbalized? Like, do I hear a voice narrating the thoughts in my head? I don’t think so.

A couple of things that come to mind are writing, during which words are obviously being retrieved and sequenced in my mind. And what might be called “rehearsing” when I’m mentally practicing something I’m about to say, maybe as part of a conversation or when I’m about to make a phone call. But even in those cases I don’t think I’d describe it as hearing a voice. Definitely not when I’m reading.

When I think of an “internal monologue” I imaging somebody walking down the street and there’s almost a 3rd person narrating the story of their existence. “Oh I guess I have to stop here until the light changes. Do I need to press the button? No, somebody already pressed it. Oh look at that guy wearing a fedora, he looks silly. That pigeon is bold, he’s going to get run over if he’s not careful. I really need to remember to run the dishwasher tonight. Oh look, the llight has changed, time to walk again…”

Are you guys saying you literally hear a voice expressing these thoughts? Is it your own voice?

Yeah, this is totally me. Maybe not monologue-ing the most mundane of things, but it’s pretty constant. The only thing here that doesn’t sound like it’d be something I’d have in my head is “Time to walk again.” For someone who doesn’t sound like you have the monologue, you write one really, really well.


Yes. Yes it is.

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the flip side of this is some people can’t conjure mental imagery. that’s mind boggling to me, just as much as hearing people having full blown dictation going on in their heads is to me.

I can definitely hear a voice, but it’s not like a persistent or even common thing, it’s like when I am reading or something.

Yeah, the monologue is definitely different from the reading voice you have in your head. It’s like having a whole conversation while making decisions, or Duker’s spontaneous snide descriptions of things you happen to espy, in actual words.

lol yea the closest I can come to that is muttering “shit” to myself

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there is no worse fat self shame than when your takeout delivery drivers constantly make a point to order extra utensils or refer to you as the plural “you guys have a good meal”

no this is just for me sorry



I’m a mental imagery thinker but I often have an impulsive need to verbalize my thoughts to myself. Probably stems from childhood trauma from being constantly told jUsT sAy wHaT YoU’rE tHiNkiNg from normies who wanted me to talk more. It doesn’t end well because I can never get through it all so at some point the voice trails off and when I notice I restart. So I get a lot of practice verbalizing the initial story of my thoughts. It’s probably the worst of both worlds but I’ve never considered how it might be different. It only happens when my mind is unoccupied so I can still function ok.

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