Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

And much like me it won’t shut the fuck up. Ever.

You want to talk about weird I’ve got a brother who apparently has aphantasia.

He likes to dance with mops?


My brain will sometimes narrate entire poker sessions, keeping track of what opponents have been doing/thinking/feeling.

For me it’s more like… “Will I ever own a house? Probably just in time for climate change to destroy it. What a fucking country. How did that guy know the J was coming on the river two days ago? Wow that guy over there totally voted for Trump, what an asshole. Oh the light changed? Am I going to make it on time? Fuck I better hurry up.”

Slight parody there but yeah usually it’s going 100mph on whatever problems/concerns are at the forefront of my life, or commenting on people around me. Usually it’s not just on the mundane.

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Yeah this is mine basically. And if anyone reading this finds me annoying you have no idea how annoying it is to be inside my head lol.

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Yep lol, managing to get this somewhat under control at night to get myself to sleep has been life changing.

I can also listen to music in my mind. Apparently some people can’t do that? Like I can walk around the house and be enjoying a song in my head that’s not playing anywhere.

So, wait, if people can’t hear music in their head then what did they think it meant to have a song stuck in their head?

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Legitimately lol’ed. In my head, of course. So I guess it’s really lih’ed.

I answered sometimes. It not constant but definitely exists for me. Thinking through a poker hand for example I will have a conversation in my head for sure. And like cuse, I can hear music almost perfectly in my head. Which is interesting because I am tone deaf and have less than zero musical ability, but if I want to listen to a specific song I can essentially hear that exact singer inside my head and it sounds great.


Count me as surprised that there are people that don’t have one.

Sort of off topic but interesting is seem to remember a study where they had some folks with schizophrenia who heard loud external hallucinations of voices and looked at their vocal cords with laryngoscope or something and the vocal cords were making micro movements consistent with what the people reporting hearing the voices saying

I originally answered don’t know in the poll but after reading the responses I’m defintely a no and I’m grateful for that.


Beat: fuck it, no beat, this is a brag

Brag: got my dream job today. I’ll be working as a District Representative for CA Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins

Variance: it’s only temporary until September, but they already said they’d try to find a way to keep me around


This is a completely impossible thing to respond to, but I’ve been at a 10/10 stress level for the last 2 weeks as I desperately tried to get a new job. 9/10 stress level for the last 3 months. 7/10 for the last year or so.

Now I got my new job yesterday and I have no idea how to deal with/destress myself. Just like that, over night? I am in a super weird mental state and not sure how to handle it.

Any thoughts?

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spa day

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Go for a walk, get a massage at that spa day, play some video games, try to get your brain to do something besides worry about your work situation.

Standard. In addition to the other ideas, maybe just take a walk in the woods?

Yeah I’m gonna have 2 weeks to figure it out at least. I live right next to a nature preserve and walk every day. Think I just need some time alone which is a weird thing to say to your wife.

Maybe more than 2 weeks as the contracting place has thrown around “drug test” a couple times and I have no idea if I’ll pass due to legal THC use! Something new to stress about. :+1:


I frequently would get a bit of a temporary rebound letdown after finally overcoming a stressful situation that had been consuming my time/thoughts. Getting a lot of sleep and doing some fun/exciting stuff seemed to help.

if you’re in CA it’s illegal to drug screen for weed in like 6 months

GOAT state

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I’m good banning horse racing.


Yeah it’s animal abuse. There are plenty of other things to bet on now.