Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

There will be some kind of metaverse once AR/VR takes hold but until then there aren’t enough people for network effects to take hold.

i think there’s something to AI interfaces basically competing with social networks for user attention. i feel like i’m more likely to get AR/VR experience curated by an AI, then dive into an AR/VR social network where the first thing i’ll need to do is block hundreds of actors from ever talkign to me. in that respect, users are basically over network effects

Neal Stephenson had something like in his latest book. AI social network curators that basically cleaned up your feeds and prevented you from doing stupid things on-line. An interesting concept if we can figure out how to keep biases out of their training.


yeah, bias unfortunately will always be the case.

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If you’re talking about Fall yeah I thought that was interesting, but honestly one of the worst collapses/3rd act I’ve ever read. What a weird author.

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Questions—is English one of the languages they speak in :switzerland:? Two—how easy is it to emigrate there? I know some schlubs that live in a shithole country that may re-elect a narcissistic, dumb, racist, sleazy conman for president. They may need a place to move to.


Not an official language, but plenty of Swiss speak English.

Basically in any NATO country, everyone younger than like 60 speaks English better than I do.

I guess Switzerland isn’t “technically” a “NATO country” but you get the idea

Glenn’s husband, David Miranda, died after a long hospitalization following a stomach infection. Despite being married to a total piece of shit he seemed like a good guy. RIP

I’m super confused by the story. A stomach infection? What is that? 9 months in the ICU? Doesn’t make a bunch of sense. Not that I’m owed an explanation.

I have hardly ever met a German speaker anywhere whose English was worse than my German (even at a winery in rural Slovenia, where the owner wanted us to wait for his son to get home or try talking with him in German, but of course his English was fine), but English isn’t an official language of Switzerland. Switzerland is now the only place where I have been continued to be addressed in German even when the other party learns I am a native English speaker (which is usually very fast).

Immigrating into Switzerland is difficult. You gotta live there awhile and make it through multiple votes of the town and canton councils.

honestly I kinda hate this, like I get it, they probably hate dealing with americans but like how am I ever going to get better if you keep switching to english?

I get it, though. It’s not their job to hone my German. Their job is to take my money and send me on my way happy after a meal or art exhibit or whatever. Clear brief communication is much better than 20 minutes on the struggle bus.

It sure where to put this. Lol family values.

Do not eat before reading. It will make you puke.

abusing children has been a family value since the beginning of time

gross. such a slap on the wrist for what is definitely a federal crime.

Happy Mother’s Day