Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

This is great!

The WSJ article of course has a Trump voting dad totally perplexed as to why his gay son cut him off.

And of course, note the framing of the WSJ article: poor dads. Not a whiff of concern for the kids - who almost universally have suffered immensely to get to a place where they cut off their dad.

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Yeah “missing missing reasons” is a famous article referenced a lot by the r/JUSTNOMIL crowd which I read for the :teapot: , well when its not on strike.

I’m very, very wary of anything that is adjacent to it i.e. blaming adult children for how their relationship with their parents isn’t good. Spoiler: 99.9% of the time its not the children’s fault.

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Lot of time this stuff goes back generations so I think also simplistic to just say it’s the parents fault seeing as the parent is also an adult child.

It’s not reasonable to expect the people actually doing the hard work of getting past the generational trauma to also do that while in close contact with the people who opted not to do that same work.

I really thought that as I got older I would gain understanding and thus sympathy for my extremely shitty parents… Nope. Instead I got a steady drum beat of memories normalcy popping like a soap bubble and revealing the absolute insanity involved. Now I’m in my late 30’s and the normal adult reaction to most of my childhood memories is an enraged “So let me get this straight you did what, to a child, because of that???” (probably should be in all caps)

So yeah when people go NC with their parents I’m pretty much always on their side even if they themselves are one of the bigger pieces of shit I’ve ever met.

Honestly when it comes to the parents suffering I’m glad they’re hurting. I hope it sucks. If I could sprinkle salt on the wound before and after every meal they ate I absolutely would.

It’s really pretty simple, either be willing to sacrifice basically whatever you need to sacrifice to give your kids a better life than you’re having… or don’t have kids. (obviously this doesn’t apply to people who have it pretty good, if you have it pretty good your job is to pass that torch to your kids)

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There was a woman in a support group I had that I noticed was like this. I’ve been estranged with my incubator for 15+ years, and she talked about how she was estranged with her daughter a lot. she chalked it up to her daughter being “just crazy.” Allegations of abuse, that she claimed she “genuinely did not remember.” I asked a simple question like “is it remotely possible these things could’ve happened and you just dont remember them?” and she said it wasn’t impossible but she was “pretty certain” they didn’t happen.

In my head I was like ummm maybe you should believe your daughter… lots of other red flags. I ended up leaving the group because this same woman started making me uncomfortable for some other reasons.

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The fact that none of these estranged parents ever seem to pull the obvious move of “hey kid I know we’ve had our differences but I love and support you unconditionally and if there’s anything I can do that would make you consider allowing me to be a part of you’re life I’ll do it in an instant” tells you all you need to know.


Good article about the Canadian housing market & home ownership being out of reach for young people, which is highly relatable to Americans but perhaps even more extreme up north.

Testing. This is absurd


“ Speaking for the plaintiffs, experts in cardiothoracic surgery and emergency medicine testified that the treating physicians were negligent in failing to order a CT scan on January 13. Had they done so, the patient would have almost certainly undergone surgery earlier, which would have prevented his death.”

This is the part that gets me. Who are these experts that apparently threw two fellow doctors under the bus for not catching a rare condition that also has a 50/50 survival rate at best even when caught?

Expert witnesses make a lot of money.

Plaintiff attorneys don’t get paid to tell the truth.

Reality is that the only way to rule out a dissection in a person with something close to chest is to get a CTA. If I did that for every chest pain I’d need two dedicated CT scanners just for that.

Dissections are rare, easy to miss, and mimic other things all the time. IIRC this guy has a blood test that was normal that’s makes dissection even less likely



he could murder someone in broad daylight and i’d still vote for him, a national treasure

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Go Cougs!

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Is Cougar Gold woke? What’s going on here? Is Lite woke? If a Senator from PA is going to drink crap beer shouldn’t it be Rolling Rock or Iron City? What’s going on!?

Without knowing for certain, I would say both have a better than 50/50 chance of being considered woke


Sorry but I agree with Mason here.

Mixed games >>>> LHE >>>>>>>>> NLHE


Cougar Gold is made by Washington State University, no idea about its wokeness, but it is delicious.

He’s eating the Cougar Gold with a Washington senator

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