Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Where’s the boo this man emoji?


boredswifty IMO


Fwiw she regrets that decision. Have you watched her Miss Americana documentary?


I imagine anyone already so cynical about her would dismiss the documentary as part of the PR campaign.

I mean you’re talking about someone with one of the more tightly controlled PR presences out there. Mostly because she doesn’t need to be ‘managed’ in the conventional artist sense.

Look I’m a business guy by trade who had some exposure to music as a business at a young age… I believe what my eyes are telling me. This person is an all caps OPERATOR.

Once you realize how much better she is at being a pop star than everyone else it clicks how the entire thing really could be an act. At that point you can either be really disillusioned and sad about how someone who appears to be awesome might actually be a piece of shit like the rest of us, or you can do what I’ve done and make peace with a Schrödinger’s cat situation. I’m honestly OK with it either being entirely sincere or a complete act. If it’s a complete act it’s high level competence porn and if it’s completely sincere it’s nice to see the nice person lap the competition year after year.

I’m a huge nerd about business in general and it’s not hard for me to muster natural interest in the business of movies/music/sports. Without that natural interest it would be much harder for me to keep up with these topics, which exist in my brain to make small talk with normies.

Obviously she has great PR but also she’s really really really good at writing songs. This isn’t all branding, she’s legitimately one of the most talented people on the planet.

@DUCY https://www.buildingforwardgv.org/ a mere $100 million dollars in local sales tax increase for our suburb of 35,000 people to… build a new police HQ. When the failbox of our police leadership has been a national story. :+1: :+1: :+1:

I read that URL as “building for war”

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I’m picturing the funniest possible version of this in my head and it’s hilarious. I’m sure it’s not really how it goes, but I’m imagining a Swifty being like OMGOMG did you know she’s dating Travis Kelce?? Followed by you breaking down her business acumen and making the case for what a shrewd capitalist she is.



Oh no! You were in your car!?



It’s wild that like 80% of Americans live in a metro area and yet Fox News is pushing the message that cities are all post-apocalyptic wastelands.

Go to any city subreddit and they will tell you it’s true of their own city

True but a lot of the suburbanites who technically live in metro areas are terrified to go into the city they live near, mainly because they watch Fox News.

Yea I get into arguments with people all the time about how “dangerous” SF is. Its violent crime rate is actually lower than most major cities. It has a high-ish property crime rate but by no stretch of the imagination would I describe anywhere in SF i have been as “dangerous,” especially compared to certain parts of LA. When you point to the statistics you’re greeted by a bunch of anecdotes that sound completely made up and boil down to essentially “omg i saw a poor person doing drugs.”

I’ve got a lot of coworkers that are not happy about having to return to the office that in their case is in downtown Seattle. Homeless drug addicts are the culprits (in their minds). I don’t have a great feel for their political views, but I would guess Shitlib to never Trumper. My mother in Oakland says it seems like there is more crime, more brazen crime and more crime done by teens. She is a shitlib dem.

of those 80%, the vast majority think that anything outside of their routine bubble is a literal warzone. If they stay in the burbs the literally think going one foot inside the city limits is gambling with your life, if they do work downtown, they know all about the “bad parts of town” where innocent white people are shot just for being white, etc

this 100%

if you see a poor person doing drugs you can be 100% sure that people are being murdered on an hourly schedule right around the corner

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Obviously Fox News doesn’t have any the answers but think you all minimizing the misery of people who do live in higher crime areas. I talk to lot of folks who literally scared to leave house after seeing drive by shootings/etc and about all the grandmas have a grandkid or neighbor who got killed. These areas often do correlate with areas with lot of people on the street.

I’ll pull up the study if i get a chance (think there are several) but homelessness rates are pretty much 1:1 correlated with costs of living, there is nothing about homelessness that makes an area more prone to violence