The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

They know that I’m the ONLY candidate in this race who they will NEVER own, and they will NEVER control!

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In his weird mind, the tape really is an exoneration. He showed the document to prove a point, and since he was right about that point, whatever he did must also have been right.

The point doesn’t really matter (“critics who said I wanted to bomb Iran were wrong, it was Milley!!”) but Trump views his own actions as in service to himself and therefore justified, no matter how obviously unlawful.

I would love to hear someone ask him how the tape exonerates him just to hear his twisted answer. His post-hoc bs about the presidential records act and the Clinton socks case is nutty and I’m pretty sure they won’t be making any of those arguments in court.

After years of bitter betrayals of New Hampshire workers, I ended the disaster known as NAFTA!

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They want to take away MY freedom because I will never let them take away YOUR freedom!

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This and “THEY INDICTED ME” are gonna be hard to top


Just a little light treason

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THANK YOU to all of the GREAT Law Enforcement Officers across America!

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Great day in New Hampshire. Big crowds and love, love, love! MAGA

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(image TRUTH)

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Merrick Garland was FUCKING DESPERATE to let this guy off. If he just gave the shit back he never would have been charged!

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“The correct application of the law will now limit appropriately the previously unlimited reach of the attorney general,” he said. “We remain confident that once all the real facts are known, there will be no doubt President Trump has built an extraordinarily successful business empire.

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Is “peekaboo” just shameless racism?

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This case is about THE PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT, affirmed by the CLINTON SOCKS CASE! Has nothing to do with the made up tale of the Espionage Act of 1917, which has never even been used!

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Why did Deranged Jack Smith and the DOJ/FBI leak a tape to Fake News CNN, phony spin and all? Will they be prosecuted for this illegal act? Pure SCUM!

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Lol his father was arrested at a klan rally

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