The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

But do you think these individual tweets are consciously planned to knowingly progress that strategy or this just Trump being Trump

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I think Trump is really good at staying on message. Once he has something on a topic he just hammers it to death. I think it’s a toss up weather he really really thinks the election was rigged against him and weather he thinks he’s playing 3-D chess while everyone is playing go fish.

Nobody ever takes the fall for hard time. They turn states evidence almost immediately. If some elections official is fucked it’s because they listened to one of Trumps people, and Rudy and Sidney are both going to sing their hearts out.

Yup posting the headshot is a great way to stay out of jail.

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

Trump is not going to be incarcerated pre-trial. Never. I’m sorry, but people need to stop hoping for this because you are going to be disappointed.

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

Just some casual monday morning witness intimidation. ianal but that seems kind of not ok :man_shrugging:

I’ve gotta think a Fulton County judge is going to be even harder for him than the DC Federal judge.

I could see a world where he just blatantly disobeys every order in that case up to and including refusing to show up.


Would the GA state police be arresting Trump or is that something the US Marshals do? I’m imagining if they actually tried to hold him it would be like that scene from Sicario where they all form a caravan and ride to Mar-a-la-go. .

This stuff is not going to fly forever, the feds, at least, will make sure this ends. And by that I mean essentially targeted social media harassment against his prosecutors, they will not abide IMO. I’m not saying remanding but something will change and it won’t take multiple months.

yeah, look at the rest of the MAGA right, they bounce around too much. they’re mad about fauci, then two minutes later it’s CRT, then it’s hunter biden, then it’s something something hair sniffing. being that erratic doesn’t get normies on board. Trump is focused on one thing and one thing only, himself, and he gets how media works so he stays on message (over the long term; in any given speech he’ll ramble about shower water pressure or whatever but he’ll bring it back home eventually).

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Just tell your lawyers you want to go before the grand jury and you can tell them yourself, asshole.


Agreed, but I think she handled it as well as she could in warning him that the more he tries to intimidate witnesses, influence the jury pool, and intimidate prosecutors the faster the trial will happen. Looks like he’s on pace for a speedy trial.

this dude has definitely read how to win friends and influence people

earlier I was leaning towards the “jack smith just needed to get copies of the public tweets directly from twitter for evidence purposes” theory, but this really makes the “there is something bad in the DMs” theory look pretty good


The range of possibilities is incredible. I mean, the PGA Tour/LIV deal started with a cold message on WhatsApp. It’s totally possible some of the Trump shit with the Saudis went down in the DMs. It’s certainly in play that he was DMing with the leaders of the Proud Boys about 1/6, or with members of Congress about 1/6. Even something as seemingly innocuous as, “Hey Marjorie, give my friend Enrique and his boys a really good tour of the Capitol,” in the right context (Enrique Tarrio is the leader of the Proud Boys, goes to the White House before the message and meets with Trump, uses the tour to do recon for 1/6, Trump’s team is planning the coup based around what the Proud Boys will do) is a smoking gun.