The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I just don’t see Trump going to prison in any scenario?? I guess he is not shown himself to be a master strategist but he lives on water in Florida. If things not looking good for him I’m sure he could find a “legitimate” country to consider him for political asylum and would US really sink some boat smuggling him off Mar a lago to stop it?



In a world where he is irrelevant politically shit could get bad for him very very quickly. I’m not predicting this but if he somehow loses the nomination or loses the general election the GA judge could absolutely, and rightfully, jail him as a flight risk.

I still don’t think it’s likely but once the first domino falls he could very quickly be “die in jail” turbo fucked.

The part of this that brings me the most joy for now is how fucked all his sycophant accomplices are. They’re legitimately, completely, absolutely mega fucked.


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I firmly stand by my prediction that he will either:

  1. Be President in 2025; or
  2. Die in jail.

There’s really no more middle ground. He gets convinced on either the J6 case in front of Chutkan, or the GA case, and he’s doing mega jail time. The top J6 defendants so far have gotten 20+years and he’s a much bigger fish in front of the one J6 judge who has really been hammering on the sentences. In the GA case there’s a mandatory minimum of 5 years and I just don’t see him getting the minimum when the RICO conspiracy is literally to overthrow the United States Government and end 2 centuries of democracy. What he did was magnitudes worse than some mafia Don who murdered a bunch of wise guys or some gang member trafficking in heroin. He’s fucked if he’s not president.

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I agree with this.

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Lol, I stand corrected. What a fucking idiot.

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god i want to read those dms

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We gotta be drawing live to a bribing/blackmailing juror scheme right? Or Trump just genuinely not going to have competent enough people left willing to do the big crimes anymore

ETA or hell even Putin doing it just to sow US discord

Like a half-dozen of his attorneys just got indicted on rico charges. I dont’ think anyone is doing this for him.

Lol, Putin has some other things to worry about right now.

It’s amazing that anyone would work for him at this point.

I mean, it was amazing years ago, but even more so now.

Wouldn’t he have to be smuggled out under the nose of the secret service who is tasked with protecting him?

Listening to the indictment, which one is Conspirator 1? That guy is an absolute moron.

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No demonstrators. Methinks the J6 convictions have put a big damper on protests.

He will still pull a big vote in primaries and in the general if he gets it. I don’t think anywhere near enough to win.

But organized big groups protesting/rioting for him? Unlikely. Now the concern is lone or small groups of kooks.

Having the Rs have to remove him from the ballot before the general or shorty before the convention is ideal. The MAGAs stay home and maybe stay home for the rest of their miserable lives.

This DM deal does have potential to be the thing that breaks the spell early for the establishment. If he was actually stupid enough to clearly plot in DMs….

I hate to be a party pooper on this but I still think if there was something smoking in the DM’s it would be in the indictment. That was a speaking indictment. The prosecution can’t keep it a secret from the defense, it’s going to get turned over in discovery. There’s no strategic reason to keep it out of the indictment, and he put everything else in there he could to sell it to the public.