The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Honestly I’m really not in the habit of defending slave owners but I don’t so much take this view with this incident and I have been thinking about this a lot.

just to look at the scoreboard - coup attempts in US history - just this one right? and they’re 1-0, the system did somehow hold itself together,
even though IMHO the coup was also possibly one of the worst possibly in human history - though learning of its scale kinda surprised me. I think there is plenty of evidence that they thought very carefully about creating a government that could rule itself without a king. I think the US govt has managed to hold up surprisingly well. The fact that the system is working as intended is its flaw - the united states was built around a backbone of slavery and even after that of maintaining a perpetual underclass that lives in full subservience to their “betters.”

I do think the system itself is corrupt and one day will become dismantled and I see that as inevitable - but I think they were wise in the sense they built exactly what they wanted, at least I think anyway, and it’s been a surprisingly successful experiment thus far.

All in all I think representative democracy mostly accomplishes the most good for the most people in a large nation. what I think we royally fucked up for sure on is cementing into the two party system in the manner in which we did, and allowing so much private capital to flow into it. if you eliminated this corruption the country could work pretty damn reasonably. Maybe we will see it in our lifetimes. I personally think it’s too late but I am known for being pessimistic.

so in a way i guess I agrew with this take in that clearly they didnt anticipate corruption to this scale in government, but if you told them the batshit stuff that’s happened even in the last 5 years they’d absolutely not believe you.

I disagree. The best evidence for the fact that the US system is utter and complete crap is that even when the US fucking nation builds, we always set up a parliamentary style democracy, we do not set up a system like we have. Basically every other country in history that has tried this type of presidential system has collapsed into dictatorship. It’s too much power concentrated in one person. It’s a stupid system.

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So, Roger Stone may be fucked. (May have to click for video.)

Literally a West Wing episode!

i dare you guys to tune into hannity right now and see long how you can handle it

His death

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Roger Stone is a goddamn cockroach, he’s going to survive whatever happens and come crawling out from a under rock to ruin politics for generations to come.

Lol, no.

This is legitimately funny:

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And if anybody knows about “p”, its this guy.

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WaPo has guesses (non-paywall) for who 8 of the 30 “unindicted co-conspirators” are based on context clues - Individuals 6 & 24-30. (I have not heard of any of these people)

On so many levels. Rudy is gonna flip if Trump doesn’t pay his legal bills, right? But Trump only knows how to mash the same buttons over and over again.

I don’t know. The problem is, even if he flips, he’s still likely looking at jail time just because he has so much exposure, and I’m not sure he’s willing to do that.

The legal fees thing is very real. It costs high 6 figures or more to take a federal case to trial. Most of these clowns don’t have that much money - major incentive to say fuck it and flip.

On a related note, Trump’s legal bills have to be getting so massive as to be a real liability for the GOP as a whole. He’s probably burning through $10 million a month or more, which he’s of course grifting from small dollar donors who aren’t donating to anyone else in the GOP.

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Guilty conscience much? Or do you just have no clue what year we are in?


Thinking about the last ten years and what led to where we are now. It would genuinely be hilarious if it weren’t so depressing. Made this meme though, so I guess there’s that.