The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

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What a great group and people!

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And then he fucked off and died, as should you.


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That’s… not how voter rolls work. Nobody knows who you voted for, and it’s certainly not a matter of public record. If you really wanna get on the “nice list” you’ve gotta donate to DJT.


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not yet

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I’m curious how you think this would work exactly. At least here I go in and get a scantron, fill it out and run it through the scanner at the end. There’s no identifying marks or anything that could link it back to you even if they wanted to.

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That data is stored somewhere. The state of cybersecurity right now is abysmal and the state of govt is the most its corrupt its been in quite some time, on top of likely upcoming civil unrest. I do not believe this info is difficult to retrieve, or will be, and even if it were, i have strong reason to believe AI and search algorithms will improve soon to a point where it’s trivial for the government to figure out mundane things from benign-looking metadata and internet activity they snoop on, not even to mention existing and forthcoming data breaches, etc.

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Well then they’ll have access to all your internet activity and won’t need to know for whom you voted.

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absolutely no one wants me to expound on this but Wyden just broke this news today:

this may be difficult to grasp if your background isnt in this kind of stuff but this is insane. government can figure out a LOT about you from push notification metadata, something that isnt even encrypted because it’s deemed so harmless - it contains stuff like ip, recipient, app data, phone id, etc. It’s usually harmless on its own, but in its aggregate, they can figure out a shocking amount of things and AI has turbocharged that.
