The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

He’s already in a dead end. The policies he’s for only play with the dumbest part of the GOP base which is mostly made up of Gen X and Boomer Fox zombies. Which is fine if your goal is to grift the most griftable group of people in human history.

His only lane was to directly attack Trump from the outset. Since he’s not doing that he’s close to drawing dead.

“Trump is great but vote for me” is a hopeless message.

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5,039 votes and 644 comments so far on Reddit when you’ve lost reddit lol.



lol “any minute now”

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the indictments are coming right after trump delivers his health care and infrastructure plans

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the mueller she wrote types have been in an absolute frenzy all week over this on twitter.

Let’s say NY does issue an indictment (lol). Ronny Meatball never agrees to extradite, right? I think the constitution requires states to extradite but, again, lol.

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I’d say it’s about 90/10 Trump is about to be indicted in NYC by the Manhattan DA’s office. The charges are going to be weak as shit I think. There are novel statute of limitations problems having to do with Covid because the DA dragged ass for no good reason. In my opinion a large part of the case is going to turn on, and this is not a joke, whether Andrew Cuomo had authority to unilaterally suspend statutes of limitation during Covid. Litigation around it is going to take years and years and years.

He was invited to testify before the grand jury as a target so he’s definitely the target of the GJ. The only two outcomes are they vote to indict him or they vote not to indict him, and candidly, no-bills really only happen when the prosecutor wants it to happen that way. (That’s where my 10 percent chance he doesn’t get indicted comes from).

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So basically


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Nothing will be more insufferable than “I told you so,” Resistance Twitter when Trump gets arrested and eventually pays like a $10,000 fine for the Stormy thing, spending a grand total of like 45 seconds in jail after getting away with 100 more serious offenses.

Man imagine going back like four years and telling this community that indictment AND infrastructure week were both going to happen, and at the same time no less.

Then after the frenzy died down you’d be like, “…in 2023.” Is he still president, they’d ask? Then with delight at hearing no, they’d ask who is. “Is it Bernie? Is it Liz?”

Womp womp wommmmmp.

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So you’re saying there’s going to be a Supreme Court case over whether a sitting president can pardon himself for a crime he committed during a previous presidency? Or I guess in this case while running for a previous term?

Somehow that seems so poetic.

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Nah, he can’t pardon himself for a state crime. The issue is that the case is really old, in normal circumstances the statute of limitations would already have run, Covid paused a bunch of statute of limitations, and the DA dragged ass for no good reason at all.

this is just the long 4d chess they played to We Got Him.