The Hot Take Thread

Cut them some slack, they might have gotten their childhood education in a red state.

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legit fresh almonds are really good

salted or seasoned almonds - great

unsalted almonds - disgusting

Pistachio Gelato rocks
Strawberry shortcake is amazing as are banana splits
It’s probably been 30 years since I had a peanut buster parfait but I remember those kicking ass in my youth

In short, what is wrong with you people!!!

Sir, this is the “Hot Takes” thread, not the “Stating obviously true things that are obvious and you’d have to be a communist to disagree with” thread.

The Beatles are the most overrated band of all time.

NFL RedZone sucks.

Literature and classical music are obsolete and low-key white supremacist.

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Where’d we land on having a downvote emoji?


also pistachio is the best nut wtf


57 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Musical Hot Take Thread

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Almonds are for hipsters who don’t care about water in the West and should cost a buck each.


3.2 gallons per almond, holy cow, had to look that up


Nuclear take. Thread has improved greatly in the last few posts.

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Attractiveness should be more respected by society than intelligence.

Looks are something that people can and do spend a lot of time and effort to achieve. Nearly everyone can jump up multiple points on the hotness scale by working out, getting a proper haircut, taking care of their body, figuring out how to dress well, using the right amount of perfume/cologne, and engaging others with a positive attitude. Those that don’t largely have only themselves to blame.

Intelligence is hereditary and you didn’t do anything to deserve it. You just got lucky.


How much time did it take to get this 100% backwards? It feels like you spent a long time on it, or are super good looking?


Gotta be honest kinda like this take. I’m smart as fuck (and humble) and don’t really deserve to be, but after getting married 10 years ago I haven’t done shit besides lift once a week if that. Being pretty takes a lot of work and shows that you have dedication. I’m the laziest shit in the world.


it’s halfway there - no one did anything to deserve their raw intelligence, but what you do with it is up to you. plenty of smart people are completely intellectually lazy morons.

plus there’s stuff like mental quickness and acuity that can be improved with mental exercises etc. it’s not like some raw, unchanging value.

And I’d imagine for every naturally smart as fuck person out there there is a hot as fuck person who doesn’t have to do anything to keep their looks.


Pie hates you.

Macadamia > almonds > cashews