The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Does your entry door have a peephole? If so you should at least look into putting up a peephole security camera.

Yeah, I’ll look into that, I didn’t realize that was a thing. Thanks!

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It’s super cool how when you get a new mp3 player and look for podcasts Joe Rogan is automatically pushed as a #1 recommended podcast.

ok boomer


Do you burn the podcasts to rewritable CDs to listen in the car?


The apple player app has shitty search. Wtf can’t i sort by date for instance.

I mean, that’s what they’re called? What am I supposed to call this device to sound like a cool guy?

They still make these??? For you to…load individual mp3 files on?

God bless them I guess for still making options for people who don’t want to just subscribe to Spotify

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Sony, maker of Betamax and Minidisc, famously with their finger on the pulse of modern trends in electronics.


Get a zune man


Since mctrollson is apparently posting through a wormhole from 2003 maybe we can get him to visit Obama and convince him not to needle Trump at the White House correspondent dinner and preempt the Apprentice when he announces that bin Laden got got

Boulder grocery stores don’t have bags, at all. Tons that you can buy though…

On the plus side, I do feel superior to all you who don’t live here.

I saw this article the other day and thought to myself, who are these people? Glad to see one in the wild here.

NJ did away with bags a couple years ago. Outside of the expected complaining about liberal government making peoples lives oh so difficult, the transition went very smoothly and I think few people actually miss plastic bags. Oddly enough I don’t really see plastic bags littering the streets anymore. Must be a coincidence.


I don’t really mind. It was the not knowing that was annoying. I had used all the bags I had in the car for the move which is why I was annoyed.

Yeah fellow NJian here, I think it’s a good thing, other than the fact that I keep (in the spirit of this thread) doing this:

–Bringing in reusable bags from every shopping trip, stuffing them into one big bag by the front door, forgetting to bring any of em back to the car

–Going to the store and being all surprised Pikachu when my car is devoid of bags, and I wind up having to buy like 4 new bags as a stupidity tax

–Bringing the new bags inside and…again not bringing any back out to the car

Do you have car keys? If so just keep them with the bags after you unpack so you remember to take the bags back to the car. Likely result is you’ll just forget where your keys are though.

Nah, you guys are the weirdos, there are plenty of reasons to want a dedicated device for music/podcasts/audiobooks.

Sure, most people happily stream all their music via their phones, but there are a lot of reasons why some people might want a portable music player in the modern era. Streaming burns through a lot of data and battery life, and downloaded songs can take up a lot of storage space. Perhaps you’re regularly away from Wi-Fi or cellular signals, like on a plane or subway. Do you have unlimited data when you’re traveling? Maybe a young or older family member wants tunes, but doesn’t need the complexities of a phone.

Also, it’s smaller than a phone and if I break it at the gym or put it in the wash I’m not out the price of a phone.

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you can use a podcast player on your phone, download the podcast episodes, and listen with no data usage. The choices aren’t “stream on your phone” or “lug another device around.”

It does use battery, of course, but so does the standalone device, presumably, unless it’s some sort of nuclear powered thing.

but the breakage thing is valid, I’m going to put my iphone in my safe deposit box and get a nokia 5160 to carry around town just in case.