The Non-political ANGER THREAD

some dbag neighbor of mine launches mortar fireworks in an area where even sparklers are illegal, like it shakes the walls of my house and I can’t find my cat for 4 days. always like 1am too. figured out who’s been doing it and started loudly starting my car in front of their house every night they did it, and it’s been a few months since I’ve heard any go off so crossing my fingers. you need to have some kind of retaliatory action, cuz cops don’t do shit about this depending on where you live. they’d laugh if it was around here.

my neighborhood is already very noisy so a lot is tolerated but dont launch mortars over my roof and make my cat shit herself dbag.

I’d like to avoid it. But I don’t see a way out of it. Last time I tried to talk to them about it, the homeowners father got in my face like he was a college frat boy saying they weren’t playing music

Lol San Francisco

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I’m so far in the burbs, PD will absolutely jump at this shit. I just don’t call the cops lightly. I’m loathe to start shit. I live in a new development and we are likely to live near each other for a long time.

“We’ll send a unit out right away.”

Fucking hell im officially that guy

Police been there for the past 15 minutes, still loud af

I went last week. It was great. Nothing to be upset about.

Even if you somehow don’t like it, just get drunk while there.

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Woo boy they came over to “ask” me to allow them to go as they loud as they were until 10pm. I said no and said they can go if they turn it down. That makes me racist, because it’s their culture to throw 150 people bangers for a now 2 year olds party. (They’re Indian fwiw)

It’s quiet now.

If I learned anything today it was that in American you probably shouldn’t ask your neighbor to be considerate of your sleeping child. Hopefully it’s safer to do so in CA than it is in TX.

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Yeah I started off with the cops in part because of that story but mostly because I’ve gone over before and nothing happened.

lol did they call you racist? what did you say?

All your other neighbors probably appreciate you.


When they came over to talk it was so fucking absurd. Weren’t you in a frat (no - but also we don’t live on frat row)? My son only turns two once? Fucker your two year old has no idea what’s going on. It’s Saturday! I work every other weekend and my daughter still needs to sleep

I would have been perfectly willing to work towards a compromise. It would have involved actual advance notice and an actual shutoff time if we were home, but I’m not going to accept some bullshit invite at the last minute that I have no time to adjust for.

There was two of them. One called us racist and the other said “God is watching”.

I openly laughed at the god is watching. They didn’t expect that. They responded with “that’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh” which is prob true. They also said my wife was the nice one

My wife was there holding a baby and said “that really hurt” and left. Our neighbors tried to make it a thing about how this is what their culture does and we just rejected it. Sorry no guys. We both know better.

Yeah I (read: my wife) is very social and has all the neighbors numbers and explained what happened. Seems to have gone well. Turns out “hey they gave us no notice and we have a 15 month old who hasn’t slept through the night in two weeks” is pretty endearing


This is not the way.

The correct move is now to do something nice for them.

They can fuck all the way off imo, but apparently the wife is already planning this

Seems pretty unfortunate they wouldn’t just turn down the volume X% which would lessen impact but still get to have the party.

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I’m not sure what happened but they got straight up shut down by the police. It might have been that they had too many people as well, but I never would have called about that. Wouldn’t have started off with the cops if they didn’t threaten me and were shitty to my wife the time before

I would have to hear their side.

Laughing in someone’s face is a dick move that is completely unnecessary in any iteration.