The Non-political ANGER THREAD

do people just not understand what the coordinating conjunction “so” means?? I see shit all the time where people use “so” to connect two clauses but there’s no relationship between them AT ALL. Obviously these people have zero grasp of logic or rational thinking in general and it’s a very useful signal, but man it is super-tilting to see it.

I’m waiting on the queue for D4 so could you give me an example?


I had a co-worker who, if you used the word “so” in a way she didn’t like, would always say “Sew buttons.” Not sure why but she did it frequently enough that I remember it over 10 years later.


Ahh the old “what?” “Chicken butt” strategy for winning friends…

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For a second, I thought you were saying they made a 4th Mighty Ducks movie :vince:


FUCK OFF WEBP it is absolutely INFURIATING that google is foisting this bullshit on us and yet google docs doesn’t fucking support it

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my sister had a family birthday party for her dumb 8 year old son last night, she baked a cake and PUT CANDLES ON IT and HAD THE DUMB KID BLOW THEM OUT and everyone was like “WHAT THE FUCK DO NOT DO THIS” and she’s like “WHATS THE BIG DEAL” and did it anyway and the kid of course spewed all over the cake (the setting sun did a great job of really accentuating every little droplet), my (17-year-old) son said “this mf spittin,” and of course my dumb sister was mad that nobody would eat any of the cake.

On the plus side, I pulled a Joe Pesci on the kid, it’s been really busy around here so we didn’t even get him a birthday card, showed up late, etc, so I just asked him

“who’s your favorite uncle, kid?”

uh… you?

“that’s the right answer, kid” (peels a crisp $20 off)

(this was before the candle fiasco)


Pro move is to give a paper plate to them and let them wave the candles out.

Separate thing, either cupcake or play dough, and they blow that out imo

You’re not wrong, but it’s a losing battle. I couldn’t even talk my wife out of not doing that for our kids. It’s part of the social contract of birthday parties. Birthday kid gonna spit all over the cake and the other kids are gonna eat it. Your party had an enlightened group of kids if they all passed on the cake.

I’ve taken my kids to way too many birthday parties (and that’s only like one third of them; Mme Melkerson does most of them). I think candles on cake to be blown out has happened every single time.

On the other hand, if everyone is singing spitting distance from the cake, I’m not sure how much difference blowing out the candles makes.

one candle on a smash cake for the first 20 birthdays should be law. three strikes and you and your kid both lose citizenship imho


So I was supposed to be sick call today and I got called in, which sucks. However, no one is sick, they just have a hole in the schedule. So basically I’m just getting dicked over with an extra shift this month… and it’s a night shift.

But a hole in the schedule is a hole right? Well, turns out 8 people are on vacation and another 6 requested it as a personal day, so I’m just fucking screwed.

Oh and the per diem that’s working with me is getting 1.5x pay, while I get my base. And this night shift is in the middle of my five days off, so my whole off time is fucked

OTOH, just got voted in as a partner, so that’s a win.


this is the way

cupcakes ftw

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This is the way I try to see it, we’re inhaling and eating gross stuff literally every day and there’s no way to change that, and our bodies can handle it, if I want some damn cake I’m gonna just pretend I never saw any damn spittle.

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I grew up in heavy evangelical circles and always leaned atheist and a common question I’ve been posed (maybe somewhat shockingly to an outsider) is:

“if you’re an atheist and think nothing matters, why not just kill yourself?”

how insulting that question is to millions of people who have suffered from suicidal thoughts aside, I ask a followup question -

“you believe when you die, you will have eternal bliss with your creator. surely you have more incentive to kill yourself than I do”

never heard a good response to this yet and fuck anyone that thinks like this (roughly 40% of the country btw)

Yup I never understood the “god saved me from this shooting” comments when it should have been “goddamn it, god why did you make me live any longer on this planet when I could be in heaven with you”

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idk, speaking as another agnostic / de facto atheist who grew up in evangelical circles I think they would have said that the heart of evangelism is to propagate god’s word by sharing the gospel. That their literal god-given mission is to spread the good news on earth in order to save as many souls from eternal destruction as they can. And that suicide represented not only a renunciation of their prime evangelical directive but that suicide itself is a blasphemy and the ultimate example of self-idolatry that burdens the community and snuffs out all worldly paths to repentance.

even worse they would have said it in a mild voice. And when they finished they would have interpreted the next two seconds of silence as you getting checkmated by jesus. To their credit, many of them would have prayed for you that night and some of them would have meant it


Suicide is a sin, the wily Christians figured that escape clause out back in the shitty times and closed it. Besides, their question is wrong, shit matters during this lifetime, if nothing mattered smart ass Christians would be in more danger of being killed than atheists…