The Non-political ANGER THREAD

You going to transition into another field of medicine eventually? ER seems like a young person’s game.

Because suicide is a sin and you go to hell LDO. Correct play is clearly to pray daily that you get murdered.

that’s just a catholic thing, it doesn’t actually say that in the bible

I can do admin work or whatever, but I’m only qualified for EM. Plan is to cut down the number of shifts I do as I get older

Just be careful as you get older




dude had really bad luck with helicopters

anyway I could fill like 19 of these threads with Dumb Shit Salesforce Does ™ but one thing in particular that infurates me every time is when I’m looking at some text in a contact/opportunity/whatever and I want to copy and paste it, and then I select the text and BOOM fuck you it’s now UNSELECTED because salesforce just opened the editor FUCK OFF I NEVER WANT TO DO THAT



Want to enter a customer? Hahahahaha good luck if you think you can just type in the name and move on. How about you go to a separate “create customer” page and enter a bunch of irrelevant bullshit then go click “search customer,” god forbid it’s a common name and you don’t know who to select.


it’s amazing, my dad asks “what the hell is salesforce” and I have to explain to him that it’s the worst software in the universe yet they make xillions of dollars and nobody likes it and they never use any of the money to actually improve the product, it’s exactly as shitty as it was the first time I used it in 2006

I just assume they have the Pfizer model on steroids with an army of hot 24 year olds selling the product to horny boomers. It’s truly the worst, but of course the olds that buy it never use it.

Random entry: I got a medical test done at a lab (the kind where they take my blood sample and mail it off to the company to analyze). This was in January. In late March and then again in late April, this company send me a physical letter (note: they should have my email as that’s how I received results) like “hey we don’t have your insurance info, can you please email us a photo of your card”, so both times I receive this letter I email them a photo of my insurance card. Then in late May I get a bill from them for $350 (this is after a $300 “early payment” discount as long as I pay within a month), along with a note that they’ll bill my insurance and I might separately receive something from my insurance saying if they’re adjusting it down? I’m like what the fuck, why would I pay you $350 just for my insurance to later tell me I overpaid?

Then I notice that the letter has the wrong insurance carrier at the top. What the fuck? So I go to the online billing page mentioned in the letter and fill out their form like “hey, I’ve sent you my insurance info twice, somehow you still have it wrong, please fix this”. They respond via email asking me to verify some info for HIPAA (my DoB and address) so they know it’s me, and please once again send a photo of my insurance card.

I once again do all this and they respond “sorry but please call us, we can’t do this over email because of HIPAA”. WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN??

So finally this is (for now?) resolved when I call them, and tell a human my insurance info, and she said she was able to update it in their system or whatever and to forget about the bill I received. But I feel like there’s a 70% chance they fuck this up again somehow and I’m dealing with the same shit in 2 months.

It’s all bullshit. Every super annoying hurdle means some percentage of people stop trying and they don’t have to pay.

Yep it’s this, it’s always this. The more frustrating they can make it, the more people give up.

It sounds like RM is describing an insurance company but I feel like the lab company has different incentives? Like, they should want to bill my insurance for this as accurately & as quickly as possible, because my insurance will pay them.

“People love their private insurance”

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Nah this is just incompetence, the lab wants your insurance to pay

It’s something even more insidious and sexy (to it’s target audience) than buxom and/or ripped 24 year olds. Salesforce gives METRICS. The number of things it gives middle managers to count is in literal one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers. Sure, out of the box, the number of metrics is finite, but middle managers can constantly create new fields to count new things. Case closure tiime down and stabilizing? Welp, let’s add customer contact time and optimize that. Keep adding new ones, make linear combinations of existing ones, and and pretty soon you have an infinite set of ways for which middle managers can either show how they’re making their underlings better or ways they are needed to make their underlings better, depending on what part of the quarter it is.


middle management - the unstuck moderator of the business world. completely ineffective yet self important. chefskiss. it’s this.


what the hell, we had one of the hardest freezes in my lifetime, and ticks are absolutely EVERYWHERE this year

I don’t know anything about the life cycle of a tick but we have them in MN so I’m not sure if the cold affects them that much. It seems like summers that are dry and hot lead to less tick activity in my area.