The Non-political ANGER THREAD

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Reading these sorts of oblivious posts from smug dipshits makes me want to become a boomer

Someone sends an email to like a thousand people by accident. Happens.

Over next 30 minutes 50 people initially responding with reply all that sent to wrong person and then 50 more people saying to stop replying all

WTF people


Ahh I remember those good ol’ days working in corporate America!

Seriously, this stuff has been happening for literal decades, you’d think people would be smarter about it by now.

Please remove me from this list. l shouldn’t have received this.

I haven’t seen one of those in a while.

Honestly I’m surprised outlook doesn’t have some algorithm that would automatically shut this down or at least pause it till unlocked by some admin or something

I don’t think we’ve mentioned Comcast in this thread, and maybe this is really a “political” anger thing, since they’re effectively a monopoly in many areas, but here it is…

I fucking hate Comcast. Garbage product for garbage pricing with garbage customer service.

What’s particularly grinding my gears right now is that a few months ago I did the “call them and threaten to leave” thing and got a new plan/contract for a year of a “fixed” price. Of course the contract comes with a bunch of draconian early termination penalties and stuff if I want to close my account or change something, but what just happened? I got a bill for 50% more, and I’m still within the year of the supposedly “fixed” price!

So this is a highly asymmetrical situation where they can change the price whenever they want due to some legalistic fine print BS, but I’m locked in and on the hook for $$$ if I try to change something.


Fuck Comcast.

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you just gotta think of the increased amount of pharmaceuticals you could mule that way!

Comcast calls me weekly and I don’t answer because I’m pretty sure will accidentally sell my soul if I do talk to them so for last couple years since initial contract expired I’m just at mercy of whatever they want to bill me I guess. For awhile I would just say please send me the offers in writing and hang up

It’s even better in a large multinational. You see the various time zones come into work.

I tried to suggest a cure.

  1. If you reply all to such a message your name gets put on a list

  2. If your name is already on the list, then you’re fired cause you’re a fucking moron.


Google at least hides the reply to all button so you really have to want to ddos your company.

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I fucking HATE the fact that facebook lets people “turn off commenting” for their posts. If you make a dumb post about a dumb thing that you did in a public group on facebook, you should be FORCED to endure the billions of dunks from the group members telling you that you’re a fucking moron. As a compromise, facebook should let you do this but it will add a huge “COWARD” badge to your profile for that group.

Dude get off Facebook come on


I have a zoom call at 7:00AM with european prospects. At 7:00:05, one of my cow-orkers slacks me “Customers are on when you’re ready”

this one particular guy does this ALL. THE. TIME. Literally EVERY call we’re on together. Sometimes he even slacks me like 2 or 3 minutes BEFORE the call is scheduled to start to let me know the customers are online.

also if one of the prospects emails us after the call he within seconds slacks me “hey did you see chuck’s email”

in an ideal universe I would blast this dude out of the fucking airlock into the black void of space but in the actual world this isn’t an option.

I won’t be on as many projects with this guy starting in March so just ignoring him for a couple of more weeks may be the best option but I’m really about to kill this motherfucker.

where else am I gonna get seinfeld memes

your fault for not showing up on time!

FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU UPS!!! Charging me money to change the delivery address YOU PROVIDED TO THE COMPANY I’M BUYING FROM.


I own a domain I don’t really use anymore on google domains. they’re charging me $50/month still for an account that’s suspended. Since it is suspended, I cannot go in and change my payment info to stop being charged (or access anything else).

The bot I chatted with recommended I must prove my identity first before I can cancel it. Lol. fuck you google, forever and always.

That sucks bigly