The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I am currently in a $300 a night hotel room in Duluth Minnesota with no windows.


Hard to determine which part of this statement is the worst.

I very, very politely complained to the front desk and they magically found a room on the river with a window. And a hot tub!

That sounds like a push.

Yeah still in Duluth.

Shockingly, lots of diversity. Seriously. Though there must be an Indian wedding…

Minnesota nice in action

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Mini nerd rant: the sticks on Nintendo Switch controllers SUCK. I really haven’t played that many games on my Switch over the years (certainly nothing like my Xbox/Playstation use), but over the course of my ~140 hours in the new Zelda thus far the performance of the analog sticks has degraded significantly, with the L-stick tending to drift (the system thinking it’s being pushed in a direction when I’m actually not touching it at all). This is apparently such an expected problem that the system lets you recalibrate the sticks (I’ve never had to do this for any other system), but doing so didn’t help all that much.

So, say you’re like “fuck it” and decide to just replace them. Well, a new joy-con is EIGHTY DOLLARS. Eighty! That’s more than the significantly better PS5 controller ($70) or Xbox controller ($50), both of which I’ve put under significantly more stress without the parts ceasing to do their one job. If these things are gonna be such pieces of shit, maybe they should be a little cheaper??

Anyway, gonna try this out since $27 is less than $80 (the fact this article even exists, because enough people hit this problem that it will generate traffic, is a testament to what a pile of shit these sticks are)

Hmm, I used a wii u pro controller with a gray market usb fob thingy for a while but the drift was just brutally bad there too, so bought a switch pro controller, and the quality on it is great. $60 though.

Well, this didn’t work. The screwdriver stripped off the metal on one of the shitty joycon screws so now it’s never coming out.

I bought a pro controller too which also has some drift issues out of the box, but they’re at least not as bad, so I guess this is the best I can do.

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In the last 24 hours

  1. son #1 has his car broken into at work. 11 cars had their windows smashed in. Nothing taken, I literally just had the windshield on this car replaced a week ago (haven’t even been invoiced by the glass guy), now I have to get the driver door window replaced.

  2. storms blow through

  3. son #2 tells me his car is fucked up, won’t start

  4. internet goes out, AT&T says it will be fixed approximately 2:30 AM (they say this is related to the storm but the storm was at like 2:00PM, internet didn’t break until like 7PM)

  5. fuck off, I’m going to bed before anytihng else breaks

  6. wake up, internet still down, check the AT&T outage tracker, no outages found! call AT&T, “oh yeah we fixed it at 1:00AM” and I’m like NO YA DIDN’T, phone rep lies to me for about an hour “oh it’s 92% fixed, we will call you back this afternoon” and I’m like hahah nice try, get me a supervisor, wait on hold, “the supervisor is checking your connection” yada yada, I’m like “can I actually talk to the supervisor” (something something excuse) “what is the supervisor’s NAME can you AT LEAST tell me that?” (of course not), keep at it, finally get some other moron on the phone and he tells me it will be WEDNESDAY before it is fixed

  1. car #2 starts up, BARELY, feels like a dying battery? I drive over to autozone, they test the battery and say it looks great. Car starts completely normally, I drive home

7a nearly get killed by a 90-something old lady in a brand new bronco with a sticker from the most expensive private high school in town, there are traffic signals out all over town from the storms and of course most drivers are dumb as shit, blast this lady into next week with the horn, she waves at me out her window, then she nearly hits another car (She is trtying to cross like 3 lanes of traffic)

  1. call xfinity, they say my house shows as eligible for self-install because I have previously had comcast service, great sign me up, I drive over to the xfinity store and they hand me a gateway router thing, fantastic

  2. get home, of course it doesn’t fucking work! Try it on every cable jack in the house, they’re all broken, not sure how that is even possible,

9a. somewhere here the AT&T internet starts working again

9 continued: the xfinity phone tech support person says “we see a good signal to your house so it must be your interior wiring, we will send a tech… FRIDAY” and I’m like hahah no, hang on… I go outside iwth the gateway and extension cord, I plug it into the cable outside as it’s coming into the house and it STILL doesn’t work, I tell that fucking liar to cancel my service, pack up the shit, take it all right back to the store.

9b some idiot at a malfunctioning traffic light doesn’t know when it’s his fucking turn to go, blast him with the horn (I fucking love just laying on the horn about 3x longer than necessary)

  1. son drives car to get a haircut, gets home, says car started fine but makes “weird noise” when he starts it. he tries to show me and now it’s back to normal noise BUT it’s back to barely turning over. WHAT THE HELL

I just saw a lesbian couple wearing a shirt that said “stop media lies” and the other one was wearing one with “free julian assange” wow… that’s… something.

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I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Sometimes when it rains it really fucking pours.

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It really has been pretty decent since the internet came back on,

Why would my dumb sister in law think I want to write to her dumb fucking kid who is at summer camp


I pop up to Las Vegas a few times a year and normally take Southwest. For whatever reason, my last trip was on Frontier and due to the flight being delayed multiple times, they gave me a $50 voucher.

Frontier obviously sucks but it’s way cheaper than Southwest especially if you can travel with no bags. So I figured I’d book Frontier for my next trip and my $70 ticket would be $20 with the voucher.

So I’m in the process of booking and I see this:


Hmmm. Did they give me a $5 voucher by mistake? I know the voucher can only be applied to “airfare” charges and not “taxes and fees” but that can’t be what’s going on, can it?

Literally $5 of airfare and $65 in fees. It’s enraging of course, but also sort of hilarious. I almost respect the scam of handing out worthless vouchers (that expire in 90 days anyway).

Beat: booked the trip anyway obviously

What an elite way for the gate agents to kick the customer service can down the road. “Heres a dollar and ninety three cents, now gtfo of my terminal”.

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Why did you think it was a $50 voucher?

I got an email with the voucher number on the day of the flight:

We apologize that your travel plans with us didn’t go according to plan. At Frontier, we strive to deliver the best travel experience possible, and unfortunately this time we came up a bit short. As we’d like to regain your confidence, please accept this $50.00 voucher redeemable for a future Frontier Airlines flight.

I’m confident there’s still $44 left on this voucher I could use on future flights!

I forget which airline, but they kicked me off a flight once on the runway because they overbooked my seat, I went karen mode on the support person who tried to get away with it and eventually got a very very nice voucher that had a couple years expiration.

I finally went to use it last november to travel across the country and expected them to body bag me with fees but it was easy.

I feel like being a karen when treated like shit at an airline is the one place where it may be massively EV. The whole travel experience is awful awful

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looking for some shorts on nike dot com and oh these look good and what the FUCK how are they $110 and you don’t even tell me how fucking long they are? and only 10% of their shit comes in tall sizes, what the fuck.