The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Duluth and north of it up the Lake Superior coast is a great area in the summer if you do outdoors stuff. Winter can be brutal though.


I’m in a coffee shop because my internet is STILL FUCKED and this place has a very limited number of seats with tabletops and there is a little counter with three seats and these two women are taking up all three of them and they’re not even using laptops, they’re just chatting, they could use the regular comfy chairs that they have TONS of here

Who is your cell service through?

You should be able to hotspot your phone quite easily.

Trying to nap before a 5p-3a shift and forget to then on sleep mode. Get woken up by my some nonsense activity notification on my watch. Dammit

hahahaha yeah it’s all AT&T, by a total coincidence the AT&T data here has suddenly taken a nosedive

how is it that every other company on earth automatically recognizes me via caller ID when I call in and automatically pulls up my account for the human I am talking to EXCEPT for AT&T, which is the LITERAL PHONE COMPANY

our town canceled the fireworks on the 4th due to insane storms (wind gusts up to 70MPH) that blew through from 8PM onwards, and people are STILL bitching about it, goddamn fucking babies. “WHY CAN’T THEY JUST DO IT TONIGHT” well karen they have to close a bunch of roads that have businesses trying to fucking operate but sure let’s just close all them down because you have a fucking sad, sure.

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It really feels like summer fireworks should be banned in large parts of the country

but lol imagine how quickly right wingers would jump to “this is Hitler”

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Had a guy on the fourth who lit a roman candle and aimed it at his face. Broke his eye socket, but otherwise ok.

Yeah… feels to me like fireworks as a tradition are fine, but they need to be in the cold/wet part of the year not the hot/dry part of the year.

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Also a pain in the ass on 4th July when lot of people have to work next day and it’s not getting dark till 9pm or whatever so people compelled to wait until later to shoot them. At least new years the day after the fireworks is the holiday

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The obvious response from a competent opponent would just be to run ads rolling clips of firework fails that involve immense property damage to neighbors with like the William Tell Overture running behind it.

Bolded is super impressive.

no shit if you even suggest that fireworks are super awesome but maybe we shouldn’t be shooting bottle rockets directly at dogs, the fucking suglasses-in-my-truck-selfie brigade on your neighborhood facebook group will absolutely COME FOR YOU

dealing with insurance companies

I drive an unusual car - that’s neither here nor there, but typically high insurance rates are to be expected.

So I was quite pleased when I got a $600 over 6 months quote about 2 years ago.

a little over a year ago I got into a minor fender bender on the freeway. less than $1k damage total between both cars. My policy renews, no change to the price, I’m like ok cool that must be my accident forgiveness.

Then, at the next policy renewal, I see a charge on my credit card for $600 from insurance company. I call them and was like “yea I didnt set up auto pay for the full 6 months, whats going on here?”

They told me that was for ONE month. I lost my shit and told them it was utterly absurd for me to pay more than the cost of my financed lease on insurance. That’s nearly criminal. they got me down to $400 (lol).

anyway fast forward a little bit and I’m up for renewal again tomorrow, procrastinated on finding a new policy. I get one with large insurance company B, at $140 a month, barely more than what I spent pre-accident. Great. Well, after I pay first month, they tell me the policy doesnt kick in to the 20th. crap. pretty sure I’d violate the terms of my loan if there’s a lapse.

so I call insurance company A and they tell me “well, you can pay the full policy now (6 months), and when you roll over to the new policy, let us know and we’ll cancel you with no penalty and refund you the prorated amount.”

leo eyes

“yea i’m sorry but I’m gonna need that in writing.”

we’ll see but there’s no chance this doesn’t become impossibly annoying later. insurance companies are such scumbags.


If your state requires insurance that’s a problem too. And your insurance company will 100% tell them when your coverage ends.

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I assume it would be a breach of medical ethics to tell him to aim at his balls next time.


Your insurance went from $100/month to $600/month? Report them.

AT&T uverse still out here, neighbors in the facebook group getting chippy

I ordered a cable modem but I can’t do a self install, cable technician can’t get here for at least a week, fml

lol, the cable technician is 75% to plug the modem into the wall and charge you $50.