The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Was scheduled in September for 5p-3a, sick call the next day where I was 100% getting called in, and 6a-4p the next day.

Also have three separate runs of shifts ending at 3a or 8a.

Fucking bullshit

Man do I hate voice prompts

“Please enter your card number”

(Enter card number…get actual person”)

“Please confirm your card number”



Not even sure you’d pay $600 a month to insure something like a Ferrari, that is lol criminal.


one of my payments is to a bank I dont have an account in and wont make one, so they force me to call their automated bill pay system every month - towards the end there’s an option to pay from checking or savings, but there’s a bug in the system that makes it say “press 1 to create a checking account and 2 to create a savings account.” confused the shit out of me for months til I realized what it was actually meaning to ask me.

the big buzz right now is that generative AI will “completely replace” customer service. No one ever talks about what a horrible user experience this will be, only what SAVINGSSSSS will benefit big businesses.

That is going to suck as I assume will be programmed not to let people try to angle shoot the system but currently if you act like a decent human you can often get someone to make some extra effort to help you out from a human standpoint

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Not just that but when you’re calling customer service it’s usually with a novel problem that the site/business interface couldn’t help with. Generative AI is terrible at solving these kinds of problems. Of course, even before AI these automated customer service platforms were rigged in a way to discourage customers into giving up, so this isn’t even a bug, but a feature

Yeah I was trying to get money back on a broken can of baby formula that was one out of 8 or whatever in shipment and the automated Amazon thing the first 3 times directed me to something about no returns on food. But I literally just kept typing in “let me talk to a person” over and over then it eventually just refunded the entire 8 can order for like 350 bucks. Seemed pretty odd that the difference between getting nothing and a whole free shipment was a couple minutes harassing the AI. Can’t imagine that sort of thing will be allowed to continue (meaning they won’t let the AI give in eventually).

nope, already tried that, took the cable modem outside and plugged it directly into the wire that comes into the house and even that didn’t get any signal

seriously how dumb yall think I am


seriously, this may be true when YOU call customer service, but I worked in phone support for a highly technical product with an extremely educated user base (we sold a lot to research universities) and yes, we had some novel problems that were never before reported but the VAST majority of calls were extremely repetitive, I am sure for any consumer product it’s probably 99+% repetitive issue cases.

there were many calls where I told the customer exactly what page and paragraph to look at in the documentation from memory “page 873, example 2” e.g.


yeah I’m pretty skeptical about AI but the thousands of grandmas who sit in call centers and try to pick which one of 3 options on their screen might move their caller forward could probably be a candidate. Certainly couldn’t be much worse…


UPS can fuck off. Package needed a signature, I was working from home all day. Sticker on front door saying they missed me and dropped off at a store a few miles away. I go the next afternoon and turns out it not there yet as still “out to delivery” so have to come back tomorrow

Someone at wife’s work sent an email to the wrong group, wasn’t company wide but must have been close.

Hours later they’re at 1200 reply alls. :no_mouth:


Simple solution—tell her to reply all and tell no one else to reply. Try all caps and use exclamation points. If that doesn’t work, reply all and ask to be removed.


Tell her to bring the IT guys some whiskey.

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Followup- maybe the AI customer service already working, UPS guy came by house 5 minutes after I posted and delivered it. Guess they drop stuff at the pickup location at end of the day after they give the notice

My hot take is AI is going to be terrible for basically everyone. They’ll further automate the spying bullshit while doing nothing to make the consumer experience better. Techbros have an extensive track record of fucking up absolutely everything, it won’t change now.


yea true i read some insane stat earlier this week that 26% of adults are completely unable to use a computer

Update: sick call removed, one 5p-3a shift changed to 9a-7p. Much better