The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Lol that is incredible. Like, if it were impossible to split checks then every single person eating there would have to be on the same check.

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this shit is radicalizing, these people should be in the fucking hague

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for being too sick

honestly I think big cars like this are a net improvement on carbon emissions if you routinely transport 8 people… odds are though it’s solo karen making starbucks runs

“luxury”, “jeep”, “$120K”??!?!?

This shit can’t be real

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Were there more words prior to this time period that led to the current low-word-count period?

I forget where I saw this, maybe Twitter or Instagram, but it was some short video of a guy who worked at a car dealer (Jeep?) going around and asking the employees what they drove and what their payment was, and they were all absurdly high, like high 3 figures or >$1k, for stupidly expensive cars, like $80k Jeeps or pickup trucks (not the functional kind you drive for actual work) or shit, and I guess I don’t know how much car salesmen make but I don’t imagine they’re living terribly large? Wild window into people’s lives who apparently treat cars the same as paying rent.

at this point I’ve sort of forgotten, there wasn’t a particular single incident, just sort of “there is nothing of value to be gained in talking to this person” sort of thing and FWIW he never tries talking to me

despite the fact that we all have dinner at my mom’s house nearly every sunday, nobody else seems to have noticed.

I’ve seen this as well, I think it was the same twitter user who posted it, and his take was “car dealers are really trying hard to normalize $1k+ notes”

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Feel like some this the same theme as the timeshares. Human thinking kryptonite somehow favors ownership so strongly makes people incapable of realizing for vast majority of people it’s cheaper the rent a big ass truck the X times a year you really need it


Man I’m old enough to remember when toilet flush valves were simple rubber flappers that hooked onto a simple attachment in the tank.and that had a chain on top that hooked onto the bar from the flush lever. Sure, the rubber wore out after not that many years, but replacing the things was a job that took less time than driving to the store and back to get the part. Now it’s this fucking overengineered monstrosity:

No, I don’t really want to have to take the tank off to do this job, motherfuckers, and no the gasket between the tank and the bowl wasn’t the problem, but I guess I get to buy a new one anyway.

But fuckhead Kohler bros, that cheap ass gray nut with a 3" hole in it means that the nut itself is bout tree fiddy inches. Fucksticks, anyone ever tell you that plumber’s wrenches cap out at 3.0000000 inches? This is apparently brand fucking new news to Kohler bros and their piece of shit flush valve, because there ain’t no tool for taking off a 3.5" nut. Good luck using your hands on joint that’s accrued ~12 years of gunk to seize it up.

So I get in the damn car and go to fucking Home Depot to get two pairs of PVC pipe pliers aka Oil Filter pliers, because even in the UToobz I reviewed to see if anyone had a proper tool for this piece of shit, the poor fucker in the video was recommending a pair of oil filter pliers, one to spin the fucking nut and the other to hold the piece of shit it screws onto in place. Natch, Home Depot had closed down the whole damn PVC aisle for no fucking reason except spite for me, but at least I was able to get some shlub who wasn’t in on the scam to bring me a pair as I pointed to them just tantilizingly out of my reach from my side of the orange extracto-fence.

Saving the receipt, my savvy ass thought we could maybe return one of the otherwise useless pairs of pliers if I, or maybe MrsWookie and I, can just use an ordinary pair of vice grip pliers to just pinch the plastic of the inner part and use just one pair of oil filter pliers on the nut. These pliers, as you might expect, are piss poor tools for the job but nevertheless the most successful tool tried so far on this fucking nut. I succeed in breaking the nut loose, only for it to get even more firmly stuck for no apparent reason after about a half turn. Can re-tighten it, can’t loosen any further. So yes, I did open up that second pair of pliers to give MrsWookie to hold the inner tube while I work on the nut, and no, we exhaust our grip strength in a shower of profanity (all mine) without busting the nut loose.

Fuck all the way off, Kohler valve. It’s time to see what happens when we stop playing nice and start getting real. MrsWookie saws off the piece of shit with a multitool thingy. Victory is ours.

Sometimes a softer grip will get you there fas…err wait nevermind.

But yea any toilet maintenance fucking sucks, and that ordeal sounds especially tilting.


jesus christ

old toilets are really just about perfect in their simplicity, not sure why all these newfangled toilets exist

just buy a new toilet that doesnt suck

Was at a friends house awhile back and toilet wouldn’t stop running so I popped lid up to to take a look and it looked like I had popped the hood on a super car or something so I just put it back and snuck away


How many people here have bought a toilet individually and not as part of a house?

I did when I dropped something heavy that shattered part of the bowl.

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Might want to have that checked out by a doctor.


My dad did after he was trying to fix another fucking toilet flush valve on a different toilet, and he dropped the tank.

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I follow someone on instagram for specific content (e.g. airplane spotter or whatver, it doesn’t matter) and then their story is like 70% passive aggressive tweet screenshots subtweeting their scummy ex